

Here is a real story for you

Several years ago a group of us used to hang out together almost every weekend. One of the guys used to shave his head bald because he didn't have much hair left anyway. Our group of girls tried to convince him to use Nair on his head so he wouldn't have to shave everyday. Apparently he took us up on on advice.

The next week we all get together as usual on Friday night. In walks Mark. His entire head was one big scab. OMG, he looked like someone had put him in the microwave and over cooked him. Our mouths dropped. :jet: It was nasty.

We ask him WTF happened. He tells us it's all our fault for telling him to use Nair on his head. This is what happened! We couldn't believe it. So we asked him what he did.

Men for some reason have a n aversion for reading directions. They must feel it makes them less manly if they read the directions. So here is what happened:

He bought the Nair. Instead of reading the directions, he dumps the Nair on to his head and rubs the whole bottle in. Yes, rubs it in, like lotion. He doesn't rinse it off, at all. Goes to sleep. The next morning he wakes up and his entire head is one big blister. Ewwww. Weeping puss pockets from the chemicals burning his scalp all night while he slept through it..

The truth is, you just can't trust a man when it comes to girly products.:killingme

:lol: Poor feller.


Lem Putt

Here is a real story for you

Several years ago a group of us used to hang out together almost every weekend. One of the guys used to shave his head bald because he didn't have much hair left anyway. Our group of girls tried to convince him to use Nair on his head so he wouldn't have to shave everyday. Apparently he took us up on on advice.

The next week we all get together as usual on Friday night. In walks Mark. His entire head was one big scab. OMG, he looked like someone had put him in the microwave and over cooked him. Our mouths dropped. :jet: It was nasty.

We ask him WTF happened. He tells us it's all our fault for telling him to use Nair on his head. This is what happened! We couldn't believe it. So we asked him what he did.

Men for some reason have a n aversion for reading directions. They must feel it makes them less manly if they read the directions. So here is what happened:

He bought the Nair. Instead of reading the directions, he dumps the Nair on to his head and rubs the whole bottle in. Yes, rubs it in, like lotion. He doesn't rinse it off, at all. Goes to sleep. The next morning he wakes up and his entire head is one big blister. Ewwww. Weeping puss pockets from the chemicals burning his scalp all night while he slept through it..

The truth is, you just can't trust a man when it comes to girly products.:killingme

Keep Nair away from your nipples.


The voice of experience.


Hot Flash
Back in the 80's we had a "bikini trim". All it took was a steady pair of hands, a good razor and good pair of scissors.

A landing strip and hard runway is not hard to achieve.

I've mentioned before, a good friend of mine works at a spa in OC MD. She grosses out on the men and women who come in and she has to wax them. She makes a great living but she is smiling on the outside and puking on the inside.

Trim and groom!

She would rather get back to facials and manis/pedis.


In My Opinion
Back in the 80's we had a "bikini trim". All it took was a steady pair of hands, a good razor and good pair of scissors.

A landing strip and hard runway is not hard to achieve.

I've mentioned before, a good friend of mine works at a spa in OC MD. She grosses out on the men and women who come in and she has to wax them. She makes a great living but she is smiling on the outside and puking on the inside.

Trim and groom!

She would rather get back to facials and manis/pedis.
That is not a living I would want. and the first guy that came in looking to get "smoothed out" down there would get it done with super glue and duct tape. once you rip the balls right off, he will never come back again, and the word would spread.


Well-Known Member
I found a video of a young woman's first waxing; something of a "documentary."
There's no private parts or nudity shown; it focuses on her face. At one point a strip is pulled and she blurts out a shriek of surprise. It's comical really.