"We admit its okay to be a racist, as long as you are a Democrat"


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Obviously everyone else got the same email from MDGOP that I did. These statements by the dems are absolutely reprehensible.


This Space for Rent
kom526 said:
Obviously everyone else got the same email from MDGOP that I did. These statements by the dems are absolutely reprehensible.

Nobody ever sends me the memos. :ohwell:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
You are completely and totally beyond pathetic. How you can equate photo ID cards to Democrats making racial slurs is just beyond my comprehension and is not even worthy of the slightest bit of debate.

People like you, sir, are why Democrats suck and will continue their downward spiral until they have to hide underground like the vermin they are.

Lady, maybe you are dumber than I thought!! And speaking of downward spiral, amybe you should look at your buddies in the white house and you will see a MAJOR downward spiral. :dance: :dance: :dance:


CIA Leak
Great importance - 51%
Some importance - 35%
Little/no importance - 12%

Clinton-Lewinsky (1/98)
Great importance - 41%
Some importance - 21%
Little/no importance - 37%

Whitewater (3/94)
Great importance - 20%
Some importance - 29%
Little/no importance - 45%

Iran-Contra (2/87)
Great importance - 48%
Some importance - 33%
Little/no importance - 19%

Watergate (5/73; Gallup Poll)
Great importance - 53%
Some importance - 25%
Little/no importance - 22%

Hmmmmm I see your little Republican buddies leak probe is right up there with WATERGATE!!!!!

Or maybe the Presidents approval rating being at 35% might just say something!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Racingwolf said:
Lady, maybe you are dumber than I thought!! And speaking of downward spiral, amybe you should look at your buddies in the white house and you will see a MAJOR downward spiral. :dance: :dance: :dance:


CIA Leak
Great importance - 51%
Some importance - 35%
Little/no importance - 12%

Clinton-Lewinsky (1/98)
Great importance - 41%
Some importance - 21%
Little/no importance - 37%

Whitewater (3/94)
Great importance - 20%
Some importance - 29%
Little/no importance - 45%

Iran-Contra (2/87)
Great importance - 48%
Some importance - 33%
Little/no importance - 19%

Watergate (5/73; Gallup Poll)
Great importance - 53%
Some importance - 25%
Little/no importance - 22%

Hmmmmm I see your little Republican buddies leak probe is right up there with WATERGATE!!!!!

Or maybe the Presidents approval rating being at 35% might just say something!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I'd be more interested in how many people could actually *explain* exactly what anyone did that was wrong.

My gut is still, that this is basically a non-story that continues to be cooked by a bored media. Two years, and the best anyone can come up with is to indict a guy for saying he didn't know something about someone else who didn't do anything wrong.


Super Genius
There's new stuff...
Top Democrats duck on Steele hits
But Kweisi Mfume, who is running for senator, yesterday outright condemned the comments by his fellow black Democrats.
"Racially tinged attacks have no place in this campaign for U.S. Senate," said Mr. Mfume, who has chided his party's lack of support for his campaign. "If they did, I could very well be the object of public racial humiliation, based on my skin color, by people who don't like my politics."
Wow! I agree with Kweisi! I wonder if he has reprimanded or fired his campaign spokesperson for their contrary statement yesterday (which I already posted)
Last edited:


New Member
FromTexas said:

Good old Kweisi Mfume is in there, too. Its nice to see the former president of the NAACP showing his true colors... Oh wait! I said colors! That may be racist of me! :lol:

Look, I have no problem with black people being Republicans, I think the more diversity of parties we have the better. A few things, the Washington times is not the most "reliable journalism" out there. If this article was in the post it would be one thing but the times has a way of putting a fun little spin on their journalism. Also, Steele is such a Bush lover and is not a mainstream candidate. He stands for everthing that is against what most black people stand for which is a little shocking to the black democrats. I dont think this needs to be a race issue, just an issue of who is the best candidate for 06 and clearly we dont need to elect another Bush lover who cannot make decisions for the best of their state.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Terps said:
Look, I have no problem with black people being Republicans
Well, that's good to know. :whew:


If this article was in the post it would be one thing but the times has a way of putting a fun little spin on their journalism.
And god knows the Post is "just the facts".

Also, Steele is such a Bush lover and is not a mainstream candidate.
Did you notice that Bush is a two-term President? That makes him mainstream.

He stands for everthing that is against what most black people stand for which is a little shocking to the black democrats.
Like what, for instance? Get a job? Quit relying on the dole? Stop using drugs and beating your woman? Get an education and make something of yourself?

What exactly does Michael Steele espouse that is against what "black people stand for"?


And, while you're at it, please tell me what you think black people DO stand for.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Terps said:
Look, I have no problem with black people being Republicans, I think the more diversity of parties we have the better. A few things, the Washington times is not the most "reliable journalism" out there. .
I know this issue has been covered here many times before - but a few good Googles on the Washington Times would show it's had its fair share of journalism awards. In its twenty year history, it's pretty impressive.

If this article was in the post it would be one thing but the times has a way of putting a fun little spin on their journalism..
Let's be honest about this -- this article would NEVER be in the Post, even if it were the most glaring news item of the day - unless it could somehow tell the same story and make Republicans look bad.

Name the last time the Post endorsed a Republican candidate for President, Senate or House. They try to be *fair*, but they're also clearly *biased*. Some journalists I've heard discuss this issue think that bias is OK as long as you are "fair".

Also, Steele is such a Bush lover and is not a mainstream candidate. He stands for everthing that is against what most black people stand for which is a little shocking to the black democrats. .
And what would be the worst one of those? Give me a quote.

I dont think this needs to be a race issue, just an issue of who is the best candidate for 06 and clearly we dont need to elect another Bush lover who cannot make decisions for the best of their state.
"Bush lover" "cannot make decisions for the best of their state" - exactly WHAT has he done to earn this - is it merely by being black, and a Republican? Aren't you doing what you claim you're NOT doing?


24/7 Single Dad
Terps said:
I dont think this needs to be a race issue, just an issue of who is the best candidate for 06 and clearly we dont need to elect another Bush lover who cannot make decisions for the best of their state.
:lol: Guess they were throwing Oreos at Steele because they thought he was hungry.
Are you one of those liberals that believes black people are incapable of supporting themselves and need government assistance to survive?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Also, Steele is such a Bush lover and is not a mainstream candidate. He stands for everthing that is against what most black people stand for which is a little shocking to the black democrats.

A Bush lover...not mainstream...Bush lover...the guy who won back to back national elections...not mainstream.

That makes zero sense.

Blacks, what they believe in, how they live their lives is far closer to the GOP national platform than the Democratic one.

The GOP simply has to continue to do a better job of stating who we are and what we stand for as oppossed to letting Democrats tell our story.

Black families have suffered terribly under Democratic social policies in our cities and if you just go issue by issue, blacks are far more right than left.

When you ask a black Democrat why they support Democrats and what they get out of it, they're pretty much like most Democrats; A, they're not sure and B. Nothing.

It's up to the GOP to keep up the fight.