UrbanPancake said:
OSAMA GOT AWAY!!!! Bush dropped the ball on this one. If there is another attack it will be because Osama is still free, and he's recruiting more men then our troops are killing.
I forgot to notice that you didn't answer a single bit of my post, except to trot out a liberal regurgitation (thus proving my point about lacking original thought).
We did NOT divert troops - having 25,000 troops or having 200,000 troops in Afghanistan, you don't gain effectiveness by increasing troop strength. It's like adding fireman to putting out a burning house. Of course, you don't know that, because there's this string on your side where you pull out the cord, and you repeat what's been programmed into you.
We - don't - NEED - thousands - more - troops - in - Afghanistan. Get it? Iraq is another THEATER in the war on terror. It is not THE war on terror, because we are fighting in MANY places. It just gets the most news, because we have the most guys there. My point was, people like you are too stupid to get this, that in WW2 you wouldn't have understood that to beat the Nazis, you fight them in many places - not just Germany. To win the war on terror, there are many places - and Afghanistan has enough troops there.