Larry Gude
Strung Out
Let's see...
1993 February: First Tower Attack
1993 October: Mogadishu, Somalia, 18 dead, 73 wounded, Al queda backed militia stops US humanitarian effort.
1996: Kohbar Towers attack, 19 US service personel dead.
1998: Two US Embassies bombed in Africa 250 dead
2000: October: USS Cole, 17 dead, 33 wounded.
September 11, 2001... 3,000 dead
September 12, 2001 to date: 1,100 US service personel dead, 26,000 wounded/ill, Afghanistan just held free elections, Iraq in the process.
Al queda/other terrorists KIA/MIA...who knows?
I will take the gobal terror organizations of today over the ones of September 10, 2001 and before.
Do I expect more terror attacks on US soil? Yes, and long before now.
The battle of the Bulge, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Chosin Resevoir, Cold Harbor and the Tet offensive all occured after the outcome was decided AS LONG AS WE STAYED the course.
These were all horrific battles that made people question whether it was still worth the cost and John Kerry is asking the question in terms of how a mother feels now that their child is crippled or dead.
So, you tell, me, the world of today or the world of 9/10/01 and how much is it worth to you?
John Kerry, based on his record, will be a disaster for the US and our security and, frankly, the world, just as all those battles would have been had we faltered and quit the field.
So, WHEN, not if, we are attacked at home again, what should we do?
Then what?
If you disagree, what do you consider success?
1993 February: First Tower Attack
who had entered the United Stares on an Iraqi passport under the name of Ramzi Yousef
1993 October: Mogadishu, Somalia, 18 dead, 73 wounded, Al queda backed militia stops US humanitarian effort.
1996: Kohbar Towers attack, 19 US service personel dead.
1998: Two US Embassies bombed in Africa 250 dead
2000: October: USS Cole, 17 dead, 33 wounded.
September 11, 2001... 3,000 dead
September 12, 2001 to date: 1,100 US service personel dead, 26,000 wounded/ill, Afghanistan just held free elections, Iraq in the process.
Al queda/other terrorists KIA/MIA...who knows?
I will take the gobal terror organizations of today over the ones of September 10, 2001 and before.
Do I expect more terror attacks on US soil? Yes, and long before now.
The battle of the Bulge, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Chosin Resevoir, Cold Harbor and the Tet offensive all occured after the outcome was decided AS LONG AS WE STAYED the course.
These were all horrific battles that made people question whether it was still worth the cost and John Kerry is asking the question in terms of how a mother feels now that their child is crippled or dead.
So, you tell, me, the world of today or the world of 9/10/01 and how much is it worth to you?
John Kerry, based on his record, will be a disaster for the US and our security and, frankly, the world, just as all those battles would have been had we faltered and quit the field.
So, WHEN, not if, we are attacked at home again, what should we do?
Then what?