We are losing the war on terror

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's see...

If you disagree, what do you consider success?

1993 February: First Tower Attack http://www.fas.org/irp/world/iraq/956-tni.htm

who had entered the United Stares on an Iraqi passport under the name of Ramzi Yousef

1993 October: Mogadishu, Somalia, 18 dead, 73 wounded, Al queda backed militia stops US humanitarian effort.

1996: Kohbar Towers attack, 19 US service personel dead.

1998: Two US Embassies bombed in Africa 250 dead

2000: October: USS Cole, 17 dead, 33 wounded.

September 11, 2001... 3,000 dead

September 12, 2001 to date: 1,100 US service personel dead, 26,000 wounded/ill, Afghanistan just held free elections, Iraq in the process.

Al queda/other terrorists KIA/MIA...who knows?

I will take the gobal terror organizations of today over the ones of September 10, 2001 and before.

Do I expect more terror attacks on US soil? Yes, and long before now.

The battle of the Bulge, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Chosin Resevoir, Cold Harbor and the Tet offensive all occured after the outcome was decided AS LONG AS WE STAYED the course.

These were all horrific battles that made people question whether it was still worth the cost and John Kerry is asking the question in terms of how a mother feels now that their child is crippled or dead.

So, you tell, me, the world of today or the world of 9/10/01 and how much is it worth to you?

John Kerry, based on his record, will be a disaster for the US and our security and, frankly, the world, just as all those battles would have been had we faltered and quit the field.

So, WHEN, not if, we are attacked at home again, what should we do?


Then what?


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SmallTown said:
Kerry also says he has a better plan than Bush, do you believe him?

No, not until he gets specific. He almost never does. At least with Clinton, when he spelled out welfare reform during his campaign, we had an idea what he had in mind.

With Kerry, we get "we can do better" "I have a plan" "Bush has to go" etc. I think the only way you believe Kerry can do better is to be an ABB - because he has neither outlined what he intends to do, nor has he shown a track record showing he has the slightest idea how to handle anything.

I simply can't believe that he's running - and I do believe Kerry will win. It's very close and elections always run with the undecideds breaking 2 to 1 against the incumbent. Even RealClearPolitics shows that in the last election, everyone had Bush safely ahead - but it didn't happen that way in terms of the total votes (they were nationwide polls, and I don't want to get into electoral college debates - what I'm saying is, the *national* polls said Bush would win the most votes handily, and the votes went the other way).

I'm bothered by the fact that Kerry is going to win - that even the people who are voting FOR him don't like him - that, true to form, he will blame everything in his first two years that goes bad on Bush (and people will believe him), just as Clinton did - that all of the bullying, the shootings, the vandalism, the jerks in Hollywood - they'll all get what they want by some of their nastiness. Make no mistake, this by all the pundits both for and against Bush have said they've never seen such a groundswell of *hatred* and nastiness in an election - and it is about to be rewarded.

I'm severely bummed out. Because if it is even CLOSE with a thin Bush lead, we're going to duke it out in the courts, and the ABB's will win.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
I'm bothered by the fact that Kerry is going to win
You're the second person whose opinion I respect that I've heard say that.

I'm with you, buddy - I can't stand the thought of a Kerry win simply because of all the nastiness and vitriol that will be rewarded if he does. The thought of 4 years of Kerry himself - what the hell, we've had worse. It just galls me to think that all those freaks and their idiocy will have a win.

I'm starting to understand how the "win at any cost" people feel. If there's voter intimidation at the polls on the part of Republicans, oh well. If some poll workers delete Kerry votes, oh well.

I hate that I'm getting that attitude, but I can't seem to help it. :frown:


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I think what really convinced me was Tucker Carlson (a basically conservative columnist) over the weekend. He said that it is ANGRY voters who stand in line to vote early. If you support the President, you don't stand in long lines in the rain to vote - you do it when you're angry. Anger is fueling the high voter turnout, and the race is too close for it to have a minimal impact.

I think if they'd found WMD's, even in small numbers in Iraq, things would have been different. I just hate to see what strikes me as dirty politics rewarded. The forged documents, the "explosives" issue - did you know that the commander in charge of that cache thought, when he read about that initially, that it was all about a *recent* theft? Of course - that's how it was INTENDED to be released, and apparently, it was planned to be released TONIGHT before the details came public. I just can't stand someone like Springsteen being vindicated - someone like Edwards claiming that people will walk again - or - perhaps less vitriolic but far less credible - Kerry plans to make us "safer". I'm sorry, but he cares too much about world opinion to make a bold decision. He even took a damned poll over the bin Laden tape. Like he needs a poll to decide what position to take.

Aaargh. I can't stand it. The only good thing I know is, Republicans will definitely keep Congress, and mid-term elections will certainly break MUCH MORE favorably for Republicans no matter what (because, they almost always do - Bush was the first to really break that trend). And there's a good chance Daschle will lose. Talk radio will re-emerge, and unsavory facts about Kerry will finally come out - like his military records. And he will have to apologize to the "bribed and coerced" in his efforts to court world opinion.

I'm glad you value my opinion. Feeling's mutual.


vraiblonde said:
You're the second person whose opinion I respect that I've heard say that.

I'm with you, buddy - I can't stand the thought of a Kerry win simply because of all the nastiness and vitriol that will be rewarded if he does. The thought of 4 years of Kerry himself - what the hell, we've had worse. It just galls me to think that all those freaks and their idiocy will have a win.

I'm starting to understand how the "win at any cost" people feel. If there's voter intimidation at the polls on the part of Republicans, oh well. If some poll workers delete Kerry votes, oh well.

I hate that I'm getting that attitude, but I can't seem to help it. :frown:
I am with you, Kerry the man will be just another goofball. He will probably go the route of Carter being so foolish and handwringingly incompetent that he will do 4 and out stunting the Dems for another decade. I think he and his party are a bunch of bold faced liars who spew vitrol and lies. He has a "Plan", This President..blah blah, the truth is he is just a do nothing opportunist who was stuck on the head of the McAuliffe snake oil machine. I have never seen such double talk, hate, unfounded untrue critisism, and "say anything to win" garbage in any campaign. Up until now I was nice to see people of ethics and honor disagree and run against each other. So far the Republicans have tried to be decent but if they lose the gloves are off in the future. We will never see a contest of gentlemen/ladies in politics again.

Personally I am pizzed that W and Rove didn't attack Kerry with the same energy they have been attacked. In trying to maintain a sense of decorum and dignity they have come off as weak and have not effectively exposed Kerry for what he really is, just plain old common everyday popmpous New England democrat elitist scum who's Sentate record is so lackluster I actually consider him as living on the "dole" for 20 years.


SamSpade said:
I think if they'd found WMD's, even in small numbers in Iraq, things would have been different. I just hate to see what strikes me as dirty politics rewarded. The forged documents, the "explosives" issue - did you know that the commander in charge of that cache thought, when he read about that initially, that it was all about a *recent* theft? Of course - that's how it was INTENDED to be released, and apparently, it was planned to be released TONIGHT before the details came public. I just can't stand someone like Springsteen being vindicated - someone like Edwards claiming that people will walk again - or - perhaps less vitriolic but far less credible - Kerry plans to make us "safer". I'm sorry, but he cares too much about world opinion to make a bold decision. He even took a damned poll over the bin Laden tape. Like he needs a poll to decide what position to take.
This is a point of sheer ire for me as well. With all the political activism and the Hollywood types having their way simple due to their fame. I was listinging to talk radio on travel and I believe it was Glenn Beck who had a guest who had studied the Hollywood/Singer participation in politics. He said that they are so involved because they are furious that thay know themselves to be "superior" yet they go unlistened to by the knuckle dragging populous. This just makes them go to greater depths. Moore, Springsteen, Penn can all kiss my ass right after McAuliffe is done. If this goes the way I feel it will, that theory will bode true because I will be looking up the local Republican chapter and volunteering to be the #1 loose cannon for them.


Larry Gude said:
1993 February: First Tower Attack http://www.fas.org/irp/world/iraq/956-tni.htm


1993 October: Mogadishu, Somalia, 18 dead, 73 wounded, Al queda backed militia stops US humanitarian effort.

1996: Kohbar Towers attack, 19 US service personel dead.

1998: Two US Embassies bombed in Africa 250 dead

2000: October: USS Cole, 17 dead, 33 wounded.

September 11, 2001... 3,000 dead

September 12, 2001 to date: 1,100 US service personel dead, 26,000 wounded/ill, Afghanistan just held free elections, Iraq in the process.

Al queda/other terrorists KIA/MIA...who knows?

I will take the gobal terror organizations of today over the ones of September 10, 2001 and before.

Do I expect more terror attacks on US soil? Yes, and long before now.

The battle of the Bulge, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Chosin Resevoir, Cold Harbor and the Tet offensive all occured after the outcome was decided AS LONG AS WE STAYED the course.

These were all horrific battles that made people question whether it was still worth the cost and John Kerry is asking the question in terms of how a mother feels now that their child is crippled or dead.

So, you tell, me, the world of today or the world of 9/10/01 and how much is it worth to you?

John Kerry, based on his record, will be a disaster for the US and our security and, frankly, the world, just as all those battles would have been had we faltered and quit the field.

So, WHEN, not if, we are attacked at home again, what should we do?


Then what?

John Kerry will create diplomatic friendships with other country's, he will improve our reputation in the mideast by including the middle east in the reconstruction of Iraq.

Bush will be voted office come NOV 2. There's still time to jump on the Kerry/Edwards ticket if you hurry! :loser:


UrbanPancake said:
It's Bush's fault for diverting our troops from Osama to Saddam. :patriot:
It is Kerry's fault for not being convincing about national security. His waffling of the issue has shown the terrorist networks that "Help is on the way". :patriot:


UrbanPancake said:
John Kerry will create diplomatic friendships with other country's, he will improve our reputation in the mideast by including the middle east in the restructing of Iraq.

Bush will be voted office come NOV 2. There's still time to jump on the Kerry/Edwards ticket if you hurry! :loser:

John Kerry will suck French butt and do their bidding at Americans expense. We will go back to being 2nd rate citizens to our own Elected officials. But that wont happen because the only jumping going on tomorrow will be Kerry and McAuliffe doing this :tantrum::tantrum:


SamSpade said:
I think if they'd found WMD's, even in small numbers in Iraq, things would have been different.

But Bush lied about those. Too bad. He shouldn't have lied to the American Public and sent our young men and women to be killed and beheaded in Iraq. :patriot:


UrbanPancake said:
But Bush lied about those. Too bad. He shouldn't have lied to the American Public and sent our young men and women to be killed and beheaded in Iraq. :patriot:
Conservative: Rather be killed fighting terrorism over there.

Liberal: Rather be killed in a Pizza Hut by a car bomb over here while ignoring the problem.


Pete said:
Conservative: Rather be killed fighting terrorism over there.

Liberal: Rather be killed in a Pizza Hut by a car bomb over here while ignoring the problem.

Oh yeah, there was so much terror directed towards the American public from Iraq. There is only one problem with your out of the conservative as# thinking, Osama was in Afghanistan, and Iraq had very little terrorist activity. It's funny how Bushies are now trying to make Iraq and the war on terror the same thing when they started out as two very different events.

Afghanistan = war on terror
Iraq = war on WMD, wait cross that out, take dictator out, no wait cross that out too, war on terror....I think the American public will buy that.

It seems Bush likes to change the reasons why we went to war, or he's trying to doop American's into believing that Saddam was going to attack us!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
John Kerry will create diplomatic friendships with other country's,

Oh you're up from your nap. Good. Learn some damned spelling.

"Countries". In case you wondered.

Kerry's doing a GREAT JOB at that already - he calls our CURRENT allies the "bribed and coerced" and his chief advisor described Allawi as "a puppet - you can almost see Bush's hand up his azz". You know, GREAT diplomacy there. Let's be honest - he wants *France* and *Germany* - and both have said they're not changing their policy on Iraq no matter WHO wins.

He's already royally pissed off the Poles when he ignored him in the first debate. Yeah, I'd say he's off to a great start.

And by stigmatizing the war as "a great diversion" and "the wrong war at the wrong time", he is going to be VERY successful at signing up MORE RECRUITS to go fight in a war he himself is against. AND he's gonna get our allies to go over their and do a little DYING for us, because his main reason to enlist their support is so some of the body bags won't be Americans. Yeah, he is just WINNING them over.

he will improve our reputation in the mideast by including the middle east in the reconstruction of Iraq.

Don't count on a single dime from them. They barely paid a dime LAST TIME, and they actually sent troops last time.


You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later

Dayum it all to hell. :banghead:


Pete said:

John Kerry will suck French butt and do their bidding at Americans expense. We will go back to being 2nd rate citizens to our own Elected officials. But that wont happen because the only jumping going on tomorrow will be Kerry and McAuliffe doing this :tantrum::tantrum:

You do know that Kerry is going to win right? People are tired of you right wing extremist. I can't distinguish you guys from the Taliban that Bush wanted to destroy because they were religious extremist. It seems that now Bush is trying to become more like the taliban.


UrbanPancake said:
Oh yeah, there was so much terror directed towards the American public from Iraq. There is only one problem with your out of the conservative as# thinking, Osama was in Afghanistan, and Iraq had very little terrorist activity. It's funny how Bushies are now trying to make Iraq and the war on terror the same thing when they started out as two very different events.

Afghanistan = war on terror
Iraq = war on WMD, wait cross that out, take dictator out, no wait cross that out too, war on terror....I think the American public will buy that.

It seems Bush likes to change the reasons why we went to war, or he's trying to doop American's into believing that Saddam was going to attack us!
I think every one of the rouge nations that harbor terrorists or violate countless UN resolutions should be overthorwn forcefully. To mean people like me Iraq is just a practice session for Iran. :patriot:


UrbanPancake said:
You do know that Kerry is going to win right? People are tired of you right wing extremist. I can't distinguish you guys from the Taliban that Bush wanted to destroy because they were religious extremist. It seems that now Bush is trying to become more like the taliban.
You cannot distinguish conservatives from the Taliban because you are an idiot of epic proportions. I bet you exagerate everything just like you do your political mantra. I am a conservative and I am not the slightest bit religious, doesn't that suck you moron? I totally ruin your stereotype, no matter you don't deal with fact or realism at all.