We are too beautiful to die.. Please help! (pits)


New Member
how about a pit that isn't aggressive, or for that matter, ANY dog that isn't aggressive and needs to be adopted would be more worthy than one who is only going to be a liability to the adopter.

try choosing your fights a little better

I didn't choose this fight. YOU DID!! Who the heck are you to decide which animal is worthy and which is not? Instead of trash talking do something about it. How about you open up your home and spend your time trying to help animals.


New Member
I didn't choose this fight. YOU DID!! Who the heck are you to decide which animal is worthy and which is not? Instead of trash talking do something about it. How about you open up your home and spend your time trying to help animals.

you are the one trying to defend a dog that the proper authorities determined was aggressive, who, as a result, was not taken in by rescue groups.

as far as more worthy, any animal that is not aggressive and does not present a danger to people or their pets would be more worthy of rescue, just like the rescue groups have decided.
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New Member
What's with the excessive name calling? That is very unacceptable.

That's what childish little boys do on a playground. Can't think of anything so they resort to name calling. Immediately shows their mental ability. Once someone does that it tells you all you need to know about him. Someone once said, "Cursing is a lazy man's way of thinking". I believe it was a famous college football coach.


New Member
That's what childish little boys do on a playground. Can't think of anything so they resort to name calling. Immediately shows their mental ability. Once someone does that it tells you all you need to know about him. Someone once said, "Cursing is a lazy man's way of thinking". I believe it was a famous college football coach.

my argument stands on its own:
aggressive dog got put down because it was aggressive......

I guess if i would have used the smilie and it would have been all ok :bigwhoop:
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New Member
:bawl::baby: nuff said, shooo fly!

Is this the thread that requested pest removal? :shrug: I don't have any black flag or raid handy at the moment. But will this do? :killingme


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Pitty Party

this dog was determined to be EXTREMELY DOG AGGRESSIVE if you believe krazdkat. In other words, it did not have the potential of being a wonderful family pet, it had the potential to KILL WONDERFUL FAMILY PETS. That is why it was put down.

Listen azzhole. Faith who is one of the pits that KK is mentioning is my favorite. She is nothing but a love as is all our Pits. She love's me. She just belongs in a single family home with no other dogs. That doesn't mean she can't be worked with and be trained to get along with other dogs. I have a female boxer that USE to be dog aggresive. I work with her everyday. Find the time. It's like a bad child. Do you give them away when you can't control them anymore? Sounds like you might!
SHR had an event last year at the fairgrounds. I had Faith with me as is my AV. The 4H was across from us. A lady showed up from 4H and said I've been watching you play with Faith for the last hour. She said. "It's not the dog it's the owner"!

Go away :loser:


New Member
Listen azzhole. Faith who is one of the pits that KK is mentioning is my favorite. She is nothing but a love as is all our Pits. She love's me. She just belongs in a single family home with no other dogs. That doesn't mean she can't be worked with and be trained to get along with other dogs. I have a female boxer that USE to be dog aggresive. I work with her everyday. Find the time. It's like a bad child. Do you give them away when you can't control them anymore? Sounds like you might!
SHR had an event last year at the fairgrounds. I had Faith with me as is my AV. The 4H was across from us. A lady showed up from 4H and said I've been watching you play with Faith for the last hour. She said. "It's not the dog it's the owner"!

Go away :loser:

big effing whoop, i dont really care. The fact of the matter is that this dog was put down because it was aggressive, not because of some unfair policy.

what is funny is that it sounds like the rescues have the same policy.


Help "Invisible Dogs"

you are good at killing a thread - thank you for your inane postings - good bye from rescue on this thread.....