A group of yoots swarmed the streets, ridin' into town, a-whompin' and a-whumpin' every livin' thing that moves within an inch of its life. They descended on the Walmart about a mile from my house and looted it, caused a bunch of mayhem in the main tourist area, fights breaking out in the street, etc.
Numerous threads about it here:
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
So of course people are freaking out, wanting to cancel Spring Break, cancel tourism, blah blah blah.

Now, I think I saw a report that we get over 100,000 visitors during Spring Break; the problem children were maybe 100 people. So clearly SB is largely peaceful with packs of young people doing normal things, like overdrinking and puking in the streets or ODing on drugs. There are also a ton of families and older people as well.
Not sure what's going to be done to prevent it in the future, or if anything can be done. But if it were up to me I'd have a large police presence throughout the city in the areas where these folks are most likely gather. The second someone jumps up on a car and starts twerking, give 'em the wood shampoo and haul 'em off to jail. When cops see a potential situation, swarm them and shut it down right then and there. Nip it....in the bud. Because once something like that gets started, it's all over.
I love living in a resort town and I love the stuff we have because we're such a big tourist destination. So I don't want them canceling any of that, just get a freaking handle on it and have a zero tolerance policy. That way you don't impact the vacationers and partiers, it falls directly on the dumbshits who don't know how to act. If someone bitches about RACIST! tell them to STFU.
But it says something about the people who make up our government, both local and federal...that they're idiots who couldn't make a logical decision to save their lives. They freak out and react instead of coming up with a plan. Then I realize it's ALL people, especially in groups, that appear to check their common sense at the door.
Anyway, between hurricanes and feral spring breakers, it's pretty exciting here.