I applied back in November, and DID get tickets in the "Lottery" from Steny's office, but they sure were making it very hard for you to actually get them! They were NOT mailing them, you had to go into DC to pick them up - they didn't even want to send them down to one of his "local offices".

I had to ask about that and the Aide didn't even get back to me until Tuesday afternoon. By then, BFF and I just decided that the COLD temps were going to be an issue this year and we'd be better off staying home and watching. I also had the flu from the 4th - 8th and I really wasn't looking forward to the trekking about in and around crowds, using the porta-potty in the cold, not to mention standing in the cold for hours. It was a good call since they moved everything around today, and we'd have needed a new game plan anyway.
I can't wait to watch it, though!