Weak man's swearing-in will move inside the Capitol Rotunda because of intense cold weather


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I applied back in November, and DID get tickets in the "Lottery" from Steny's office, but they sure were making it very hard for you to actually get them! They were NOT mailing them, you had to go into DC to pick them up - they didn't even want to send them down to one of his "local offices". :rolleyes: I had to ask about that and the Aide didn't even get back to me until Tuesday afternoon. By then, BFF and I just decided that the COLD temps were going to be an issue this year and we'd be better off staying home and watching. I also had the flu from the 4th - 8th and I really wasn't looking forward to the trekking about in and around crowds, using the porta-potty in the cold, not to mention standing in the cold for hours. It was a good call since they moved everything around today, and we'd have needed a new game plan anyway. :lol:

I can't wait to watch it, though! :yahoo:
It would have been fun to be at the Gutfeld! show that he's doing in DC Monday night!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
It would have been fun to be at the Gutfeld! show that he's doing in DC Monday night!
When BFF and I went in 2017, it was A MESS! All the crazies and protests, etc. I have less tolerance 8 years later. :jet:

I have a friend who is employed with the MD GOP and when I asked her if she had to jump thru hoops to get the tickets - she had not even gotten a call about her "Lottery" tickets, yet. (turns out she didn't get any) She is going to be watching it on a live stream with a prominent GOP Think Tank and said she'd ask if she could get me 2 tickets to that! (Catered, with a bar!) I declined, since BFF and I just decided that we'd stay home. Plus, I was thinking it would be more of a "business casual" or dressier event and I don't want to mess with all that driving an hour to whereever and walking about in heels all day! :lol:

But it's kinda nice to know people and be asked if I wanted to be included!! :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When BFF and I went in 2017, it was A MESS! All the crazies and protests, etc. I have less tolerance 8 years later. :jet:

I have a friend who is employed with the MD GOP and when I asked her if she had to jump thru hoops to get the tickets - she had not even gotten a call about her "Lottery" tickets, yet. (turns out she didn't get any) She is going to be watching it on a live stream with a prominent GOP Think Tank and said she'd ask if she could get me 2 tickets to that! (Catered, with a bar!) I declined, since BFF and I just decided that we'd stay home. Plus, I was thinking it would be more of a "business casual" or dressier event and I don't want to mess with all that driving an hour to whereever and walking about in heels all day! :lol:

But it's kinda nice to know people and be asked if I wanted to be included!! :biggrin:

I'm surprised you passed on that because I can absolutely see you spending your retirement getting more involved with politics and government.


Well-Known Member
What a frickin wussy. JFK was outside in 22 degree weather!!

Like a heat rash, you just keep turning up.

JFK was 43; DJT (your next President, and more of a President than the current Houseplant) is 35 years older than JFK was when he was sworn in.

1985: Ronald Reagan's second inauguration was also held indoors in the Capitol Rotunda and the parade was cancelled. The noon temperature was just 7. Wind chills were -10 to -20.


Well-Known Member
No crowds. No bathroom line. No body cavity searches. Good view of the proceedings. Snacks.

What's not to like?
No hunting you down, being slammed in jail for the rest of your life on the mere accusation of having been in proximity to a <checks notes> violent take-over of the most powerful nation on the face of the planet, and at least in modern history, using <checks notes again> cell phones and cameras.

So there's that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's a big deterrent....

On another note:


Imagine being at an AA meeting and having been asked to set up the chairs for a meeting - only to find out you set them up "wrong." Which in that case, wrong wasn't necessarily illogical - in fact, just the opposite; it was counter to the way they'd always done it.

The huffing as they rearranged the room could have filled the Goodyear blimp.


the poor dad
I applied back in November, and DID get tickets in the "Lottery" from Steny's office, but they sure were making it very hard for you to actually get them!
I applied thru Chris Van Hollen’s office after your encouragement but received notice last Friday that I did NOT win the lottery.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I applied thru Chris Van Hollen’s office after your encouragement but received notice last Friday that I did NOT win the lottery.
I didn't, either! Neither did BFF - she applied too. I was surprised that I got the ones from Steny's office, TBH.

In my FB memories from 2017 -it seems like the tickets I got THAT year were from the Inauguration committee and it was something that was sent to me, via Email at first. Maybe because I donated to the campaign. ? I must have entered that way, and then received them in the mail. I don't really remember now, but they were printed/embossed on invitation stationary and everything. Very nice.

I kind of looked at it like - it would be nice to go again, but I've dealt with all the craziness once, so I've already got that experience. :lol: I'll DEFINITELY see more on TV! We saw nothing but the pre-swearing in and swearing in on the Jumbotrons. Everything else we missed. Plus, I was chilled to the bone for hours after I got home from the last DJT Inauguration. :lol:
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