Weak man's swearing-in will move inside the Capitol Rotunda because of intense cold weather


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I applied thru Chris Van Hollen’s office after your encouragement but received notice last Friday that I did NOT win the lottery.
I didn't, either! Neither did BFF - she applied too. I was surprised that I got the ones from Steny's office, TBH.

In my FB memories from 2017 -it seems like the tickets I got THAT year were from the Inauguration committee and it was something that was sent to me, via Email at first. Maybe because I donated to the campaign. ? I must have entered that way, and then received them in the mail. I don't really remember now, but they were printed/embossed on invitation stationary and everything. Very nice.

I kind of looked at it like - it would be nice to go again, but I've dealt with all the craziness once, so I've already got that experience. :lol: I'll DEFINITELY see more on TV! We saw nothing but the pre-swearing in and swearing in on the Jumbotrons. Everything else we missed. Plus, I was chilled to the bone for hours after I got home from the last DJT Inauguration. :lol: