Wedding Plans


I bowl overhand
workin hard said:
:lmao: Great impression isn't it?
My faith in human kind is dashed.. if some mean person can soil such a clean spirit.. what hope does .. oh hell, i can't do it.. You a virgin!!?? :lmao:
K_Jo said:
:yeahthat: It wasn't at all fun like I thought it would be. I highly recommend a wedding planner. :dead:

My mom did most of my planning, cheapest wedding planner I could of had and the best! We had ours outdoors at my parents house, worked out beautifully if I could say so myself. :lol:


curiouser and curiouser
FireLadie said:
He's going to in the next few months...

I know you're probably thinking then what are we doing already thinking about wedding plans... All I can say, is it's just us...

We've already talked about most of the details and the when and the how because we've known for a long time we want to get married, it was just a matter of when was the right time... Life has thrown a lot of curve balls recently.
Just a little constructive criticism....

I wouldn't start paying for or planning a wedding that you haven't committed to. Furthermore, good luck booking a location in this area on a few months' notice. :yay:
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Goofing_Off said:
You'd also want to be careful, because before the naval base was established, the chapel used to be the church of St. Nicholas Catholic parish. Wouldn't want to get too close to anything Catholic! :rolleyes:

ooohhhh...better be careful treading in this holy place...I got red Karma out my A$$ last time I used the C word and humor in the same post...