Week 15 Picks


MMDad said:
I thought the only goal that mattered was getting ahead of the chick. If she keeps this up, you just might make it.
Yea she is just waiting to pull out the "well it is not my fault I was in Key West snorkling so I had to pick blind" excuse. She will get some guy to pick for her this week.

I got 11 so far this week, I can't do it 2 weeks in a row. Back to getting 2 or 3 for me :lmao: Larry is the one who had a breakout week. He had 15 before last nights game. He leaped frogged several people mid pack. :yay:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Pete said:
Yea she is just waiting to pull out the "well it is not my fault I was in Key West snorkling so I had to pick blind" excuse. She will get some guy to pick for her this week.

I got 11 so far this week, I can't do it 2 weeks in a row. Back to getting 2 or 3 for me :lmao: Larry is the one who had a breakout week. He had 15 before last nights game. He leaped frogged several people mid pack. :yay:
I should've gone to the internet cafe. I should've picked the Chargers. HOWEVER, I am still elated about the Chargers. I'm not throwing the forum superbowl party if they get there, though. Well, maybe.


Nothing to see here
BS Gal said:
I'm throwing the forum superbowl party no matter who gets there, though. I'll have plenty of prime rib, wings, shrimp, hootergirls serving and tons of beer, wine and liquor. :thewave:

Good girl :yay:


Originally Posted by BS Gal
I'm throwing the forum superbowl party no matter who gets there, though. I'll have plenty of prime rib, wings, shrimp, hootergirls serving and tons of beer, wine and liquor. :thewave:

Of course, Hooter Girls, this place is packed full of 'em !!!
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
A friend of ours does...

itsbob said:
Got to love the Left Coast.. 8:30 and monday Night Football is over..

....stuff for the Navy, travels alot, stays in places for a few weeks at a time. He loves being in Hawaii. Sundays, football starts at 7am.


Nothing to see here
Week 15 Results

For the weekend -

Gumbo 15
Larry 15
Donbar 13
MMDad 12
PT 12
BuddyLee 11
Otter 11
Pete 11
Airgasm 10
Daddy-O 7
BS Gal 7
Firebrand 6
MainMan 5

To Date -

Firebrand 151
Otter 151
MMDad 141
Gumbo 138
MainMan 135
PT 133
Larry 131
Daddy-O 130
BS Gal 129
Donbar 126
Airgasm 125
SBK 123
Pete 123
BuddyLee 120


No Longer the Kid
I'm am :boxing: my butt off for 3rd to last :banghead:

Every time I have a good/decent, the guys below me do the same, or a tad better, and every time I have a poor week, they seem to be right there also :lmao:
