More like "they know you need it to survive" so you will pay whatever the cost which is 10x more despicable!
Agree on some level, but many times people are convinced they need a drug to survive when in fact they don't. Anecdote time:
One of my clients was on an endless cocktail of medication for various whathaveyou. He took this drug for blood pressure or whatever it was, then took another drug to lessen the side effects of the first drug, then another drug to boost the first drug because the second drug lowered the efficacy, and on and on it went. He was wiped out and had lost his will to live, not to mention spending a fortune.
One day I went in to see him and he looked better than he had in years. I said, wow, they must have finally figured your meds out, and he said, "Nope. I stopped taking them." He decided he'd rather die than live in a constant state of depression and lethargy, so he quit them all cold turkey and in about 2 weeks he started feeling better. In a month or so he was in the pink. He still apparently had the high blood pressure or cholesterol or whatever it was, but it turned out not the be the killer the doctors said it was and he lived to be in his 80s, another like 30 years.
I was in my late 20s when I witnessed this and it made a huge impression on me, and I've been suspicious of drug pushers ever since.
Which is not to say all medications are unnecessary, but I don't think they're always necessary to the point the pushers say.
Each individual must make that decision for themself, depending on their ailment. My individual choice is diet and exercise because I loathe everything about the medical industrial complex.
But I definitely agree that asthma meds and other routine medications for real afflictions shouldn't be prohibitively expensive. That's just greed and why young people are cheering at the killing of that health insurance guy, even though it's misguided and they should really be going after the Big Pharma CEOs.