Wegovy, Ozempic etc.


Active Member
Well, the commercials say "when diet and exercise don't work..." and a lot of people bypass that part and go straight to the shot.

And that's fine, but the weight loss industry is BIG business because everyone wants to eat pizza and fries and still be skinny, but it doesn't work that way even with the drug. Ozempic et. al. were created to treat diabetes, not be a weight loss drug - that's just a side effect and they haven't really studied it enough to know if it's safe. Which is fine - adults can make their own decisions.

But when it was just a diabetes treatment nobody cared; now that it's a weight loss drug EVERYONE wants it and creates a huge demand, which raises the price.
You're almost on the money with this one. The only exception to this dissertation that all of these drugs is Wegovy, which is strictly for weight loss. You can really thank the media and celebrities for the explosion of Ozempic, as it's falsely believed that it's a weight loss medication.
expect there to be a plethora of lawsuits 20 years from now when they find out it causes all sorts of catastrophic side effects or organ failures.
Ozempic has already been linked to decreased amounts of heart muscle. With weight loss medications, most of the weight lost is in muscle. It would be hard to sue the makers of Ozempic if that person took it for weight loss, which is not it's intended use as a treatment to type 2 diabetes.


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PREMO Member
People don't need alcohol to live, they don't need drugs. They do need food. How well would your 5 year sober AA guy do if three times a day he had to drink 1 beer to live? What if you forced the crackhead to smoke 3 rocks per day? How successful would they be?
Hi, I'm Sam and I'm an alcoholic. Sober many many years now - but you are exactly right. One of the things I once said in a meeting is, that alcohol is one of the few things that if used correctly, WILL slowly kill you. You never need alcohol, but you DO NEED TO EAT, and I don't know an alkie who could make it if they HAD to have a drink every day.

I've also struggled with obesity - and most of the time, when I hear an unsympathetic comment - it comes from someone who's never ever struggled with extreme obesity. Why don't they just diet normally, you say? Have you ever stuck with a challenging diet for - say three or four YEARS? Not weeks or months. I have. I've lost over 100 lbs. Sadly - several times. No matter how hard I try, it comes back - at a rate of about a half pound a week. And as I age - it's harder. I can't exercise as vigorously as I once did - I used to work construction in the hot sun 10 or more hours a day. Even if I pushed myself to do that - I would inevitably injure something badly.

And I've always known people for whom weight loss or maintenance is a comparably easy thing. Skip a meal or two. Pass on the donuts and dessert. And that's good for anyone. But to lose over a hundred pounds, you have to get used to being ravenously hungry all the time.

And everyone I've known who struggles with weight - has done so their entire life. They were a fat KID. They dieted as a young adult through middle age. To suggest they go straight to the pill or injection quietly ignores the decades of fighting the problem.

I can EASILY say that stopping drinking was WAY easier than losing and keeping weight off.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
expect there to be a plethora of lawsuits 20 years from now when they find out it causes all sorts of catastrophic side effects or organ failures.

The FDA picks and chooses what it approves, depending on who's greasing their palm. I hope people don't suffer catastrophic side effects, but if they do I'm good with them suing the sht out of the predatory drug pushers.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
You're almost on the money with this one. The only exception to this dissertation that all of these drugs is Wegovy, which is strictly for weight loss.
I've taken it before. It has some weird side effects, some of which I'd rather not talk about. But it also utterly erases your appetite. It's like you're FULL all of the time, and the stuff you crave - pasta, sweets, chips, greasy foods - you don't want them. I don't know why. It's like when you want a snack, and someone suggests liver - and your stomach says oh hell no. But oddly enough - you want fruit. No idea why.

It just didn't work well enough for me. I lost a little and then it just stopped.


I've taken it before. It has some weird side effects, some of which I'd rather not talk about. But it also utterly erases your appetite. It's like you're FULL all of the time, and the stuff you crave - pasta, sweets, chips, greasy foods - you don't want them. I don't know why. It's like when you want a snack, and someone suggests liver - and your stomach says oh hell no. But oddly enough - you want fruit. No idea why.

It just didn't work well enough for me. I lost a little and then it just stopped.
I still get hungry.....just not as....

did you get headaches?


Active Member
I've taken it before. It has some weird side effects, some of which I'd rather not talk about. But it also utterly erases your appetite. It's like you're FULL all of the time, and the stuff you crave - pasta, sweets, chips, greasy foods - you don't want them. I don't know why. It's like when you want a snack, and someone suggests liver - and your stomach says oh hell no.
So, GLP-1 drugs imitate a hormone that your small intestine secretes when it is full. When you take a drug like Wegovy, you're essentially injecting yourself with a chemical similar to that hormone which tricks your brain into thinking that you're full.
But oddly enough - you want fruit. No idea why.
There's studies that show that GLP-1 drugs heighten sugar sensitivity due to it lowering blood sugar via reduced appetite. Since fruits are full of natural sugars, that's probably the reasoning behind it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I've taken it before. It has some weird side effects, some of which I'd rather not talk about. But it also utterly erases your appetite. It's like you're FULL all of the time, and the stuff you crave - pasta, sweets, chips, greasy foods - you don't want them. I don't know why. It's like when you want a snack, and someone suggests liver - and your stomach says oh hell no. But oddly enough - you want fruit. No idea why.

It just didn't work well enough for me. I lost a little and then it just stopped.

Big Pharma doesn't like things that work, because once you've achieved your goal you'll stop giving them money.

Back in the day we had Dexatrim with PPA and that sht worked! Not only cut your appetite, but made food not all that appealing so you didn't even mindlessly munch. And once you get your eating under control it's easier to keep it under control. So the FDA decided PPA caused heart problems in like 2 people out of several hundred thousand and banned it from weight loss supplements.

What's fun is that PPA is the active ingredient in many decongestants that you can buy OTC right now today - the good stuff that you have to show a DL and sign for. So it's okay for stuffed up people to drop dead, but not fat people?


Clearly PPA wasn't all that harmful, but Big Pharma does not want you to have a successful weight loss - it screws their income stream. Even Ozempic etc you have to take it FOREVER or you'll gain the weight right back. It's predatory and should be against the law, but they bribe lawmakers to look the other way.

You can research all that yourself, I'm not making it up.


Well-Known Member
We're all adults here. You can say explosive diarrhea.
Good Mythical Morning Chocolate Fountain GIF by Rhett and Link


Well-Known Member
but you laugh when someone says they joined jenny Craig and lost 15lbs? Why do you give the drug addict on the corner your spare change, but you point and giggle at the overweight guy trying to use the step machine at the gym?
I don't do any of those things.

To be clear, I am talking about the morbidly obese who eat too much of the wrong things and don't exercise. They know they should change their eating habits and they know they should get more exercise. They want to lay the responsibility for their obesity at the feet of their doctor.

Certainly, I understand that there are those who are unable to lose weight for various reasons. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the majority of obese Americans.

All I'm saying is depending on drugs or surgery to solve your problems is not the answer and usually doesn't work in the long run.


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PREMO Member
I remember reading a weight loss book years ago, and a doctor was trying to find a good balance for his patient as an appropriate level of exercise. She was so obese, that a simple touch your toes shot her blood pressure through the roof. After monitoring her vitals through several kinds of exercises - he found that JUST WIGGLING HER TOES was about the right balance.

And I wish this wasn't true of anyone. I ran cross country in high school - 12 miles a day was normal - one mile warm-up, one mile warm-down, a six mile run, a four mile run. That was typical. I don't think I can even WALK a mile without getting a little tired. I try to tell people, try walking with an 80 lb bag of cement on your back - AND one tied to your belly. Even when I went to the gym with any regularity, my biggest concern was - DON'T INJURE YOURSELF. Back injury would be the end of it.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

expect there to be a plethora of lawsuits 20 years from now when they find out it causes all sorts of catastrophic side effects or organ failures.

Yup. That and statins. Statins, which prevent the liver and intestines from making cholesterol. Of which these organs make about 80% of the cholesterol every cell in your body needs, and of which makes up 25% of our cholesterol-rich brain.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I don't do any of those things.

To be clear, I am talking about the morbidly obese who eat too much of the wrong things and don't exercise. They know they should change their eating habits and they know they should get more exercise.

When you're carrying an extra hundred to two hundred pounds, you might be surprised how exhausting even a little exercise is - just a short walk and your pulse is up to 150. At a certain point, exercise is less important than portion control and diet.

Certainly, I understand that there are those who are unable to lose weight for various reasons. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the majority of obese Americans.

I can't speak for the majority - but I know an enormous number of obese persons - who have basically given up. After decades of tiny portions and salads - with very little progress - they've given up. They've accepted that the weight will probably kill them. It's not unlike a cancer patient who gives up and decides - just live what you have left.

As a side note - I have in the past, recorded my weight loss on charts - and a pattern has ALWAYS developed, and somewhere I've read a medical REASON for it. Right around 5-6 weeks - I will always hit a plateau. It will last for up to two weeks of ZERO weight loss no matter what you do - and then it resumes. Another 6 weeks - same thing. I believe THIS is what causes so many diets to fail - people don't push through the two to three weeks of zero progress. But I have charted it out for months - it is as reliable as the sun coming up.

All I'm saying is depending on drugs or surgery to solve your problems is not the answer and usually doesn't work in the long run.
IF it works - it may actually extend their lives even if only for a little while. A doctor I once spoke to mentioned this - if you don't lose the weight, by WHATEVER MEANS - you'll probably be dead in five years. WITH the drugs - or surgery - you might beat that. Worth the risk.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yup. That and statins. Statins, which prevent the liver and intestines from making cholesterol. Of which these organs make about 80% of the cholesterol every cell in your body needs, and of which makes up 25% of our cholesterol-rich brain.

...thereby producing more Democrat voters.....it's all becoming clear now.....