


Jesus Christ, just let the girl rest. Stop being so judgemetal. Taxes are taxes and you'd pay them anyway. If she needs the support right now, then so be it.


I don't care who this post is about or who started it.

My honest opinion about Welfare is this... Mothers who need it and won't abuse it deserve it.

I do not agree with a Mother on welfare using her money to got out and party. My Mother went on Welfare when she had three kids that she could hardly afford to feed with the money she was working her ass off to earn because my lame ass dead beat Dad wouldn't front the money to take care of the same three kids that he was equally responsible for. Did my Mother ever go out and party during any of that time? NO. As a matter of fact my Mother didn't even start dating until we were all in our teenage years because she didn't have time! My Mother has and always will have my utmost respect because her children came first.

I know way too many people who abuse the system and think it is their God Given right to have a Welfare check when they have never done a God Damn thing in their life to deserve it and have not paid their taxes to even deserve to have the support available to them.


chernmax said:
You're right, just keep working to pay her way... :coffee:

I'd rather it go to someone like her that IS doing something with her life (school) then to some of the low life POS I've seen get it.


FireBrand said:
You are so right !
It is not anyones business except the person in question
anyone who works and pays taxes !!

I work and pay taxes and I don't have a problem with a person needing the help to use it.


NOT Politically Correct!!
missperky said:
I'd rather it go to someone like her that IS doing something with her life (school) then to some of the low life POS I've seen get it.

I have kids, I have a home, I have bills, I help care for other family members, I volunteer, I served my country and I put myself through school with no help. Like myself, I just prefer people to be more self sufficient and responsible, nothing more, nothing less!!!

And since I help pay for it, they damn well be ready to hear my opinion on it whether they like it or not!!! :wench:

If you can't feed them, don't breed them!!! "Quote: Judge Judy" :yay:
chernmax said:
If you can't feed them, don't breed them!!! "Quote: Judge Judy" :yay:
It doesn't always happen like that. There are single mothers for all kinds of reasons... Not all of them were not able to feed them when they bred them. :shrug:
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missperky said:
I work and pay taxes and I don't have a problem with a personneeding the help to use it.

Needing is ok.....milking the system is not.
Using it is ok.....abusing the system it is not.


NOT Politically Correct!!
sweetpea said:
It doesn't always happen like that. There are single mothers for all kinds of reasons... Not all of them were not able to feed them when they bred them. :shrug:

I understand that, but IMO about 90+ percent should have NEVER of bred them in the first place...

Baby Daddy in Jail
Baby Daddy left... :jameo:
Don't know who Baby Daddy is??? :whistle:
Kids having Kids... :wench:
Unprotected Sex
Accident (still stupid)
Career child breeder's for state funds... :wench:
Just freakin LAZY!!!

It's a ridiculous argument in this day and age of technology (getting the word out), experience, and science. It's a bullsh!t cycle that only adds to the many strains of real working Americans... :wench:
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BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
In case anyone doesn't know this, this entire thread was started to try to make someone look bad by someone that is really messed up.. Ignore it and it will go away.


I bowl overhand
chernmax said:
I understand that, but IMO about 90+ percent should have NEVER of bred them in the first place...

Baby Daddy in Jail
Baby Daddy left... :jameo:
Don't know who Baby Daddy is??? :whistle:
Kids having Kids... :wench:
Unprotected Sex
Accident (still stupid)
Career child breeder's for state funds... :wench:
Just freakin LAZY!!!

It's a ridiculous argument in this day and age of technology (getting the word out) experience and science. It's a bullsh!t cycle... :wench:
I'd say I used to feel the same way.. until i met several women on here that were or are single moms (at least in the legal sense) and almost all of them are very intelligent and have good heads on their shoulders, they just didn't have good luck picking good men to father their children. Almost all of them are doing the best they can with the hand that was dealt. They work, they have decent jobs, and for all I can tell they all have happy healthy well adjusted children.


NOT Politically Correct!!
BS Gal said:
In case anyone doesn't know this, this entire thread was started to try to make someone look bad by someone that is really messed up.. Ignore it and it will go away.

Trying to Concentrate now... :lalala:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
itsbob said:
I'd say I used to feel the same way.. until i met several women on here that were or are single moms (at least in the legal sense) and almost all of them are very intelligent and have good heads on their shoulders, they just didn't have good luck picking good men to father their children. Almost all of them are doing the best they can with the hand that was dealt. They work, they have decent jobs, and for all I can tell they all have happy healthy well adjusted children.
Bingo, Bob. Good post. :huggy:


NOT Politically Correct!!
OK, sorry all, this thread was about a potential abuser of the system, my focus, discussions or comments are only based on the lazy a$$ abusers of the system... I do have a brain and when it kicks in :smack: I do understand other cases are different... :yay:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
chernmax said:
OK, sorry all, this thread was about a potential abuser of the system, my focus, discussions or comments are only based on the lazy a$$ abusers of the system... I do have a brain and when it kicks in :smack: I do understand other cases are different... :yay:
This thread was about someone being really nasty to someone else. It isn't even about welfare. It's about a mean person trying to strike out at someone. :huggy:


BS Gal said:
This thread was about someone being really nasty to someone else. It isn't even about welfare. It's about a mean person trying to strike out at someone. :huggy:

The End.



Nothing to see here
itsbob said:
I'd say I used to feel the same way.. until i met several women on here that were or are single moms (at least in the legal sense) and almost all of them are very intelligent and have good heads on their shoulders, they just didn't have good luck picking good men to father their children. Almost all of them are doing the best they can with the hand that was dealt. They work, they have decent jobs, and for all I can tell they all have happy healthy well adjusted children.

:yay: Never know what life is gonna deal ya.