

Im On 1.
Jaded said:
I have a friend in her 30's who quit her job a while back and now gets welfare.

She's a single mom with two children, doesn't get child support from either of the fathers, no disabilities, and recently started community college, bill footed by the state.

She has a cell phone and she has the internet and she goes out drinking and partying several times a week, all paid for by the state.

Is it wrong of me to think this is ludicrous?

I'm not trying to be judgemental but I am also a single mother of two and have always made it on my own with no help from the state.
I have never gotten welfare, I have always worked long hours and sometimes two jobs to make ends meet.

It's awkward when she asks me to go out and party with her.
Part of me doesn't want to go because I don't want to condone her partying on someones tax dollars.
The other part of me says what the hell, you're paying for it anyway.

I give her credit for trying to continue her education but I do not think that she should be getting all of this free from the state.

Are my feelings wrong? What do you think?

Thank you for letting me vent.

There is too much missing from this story. It is absolutely impossible for her to afford all those things without having a job. The state/gov't will only pay you so much. And when you say "welfare" do you know what programs she is on? TCA? Food Stamps? Medicaid?

The state will NOT give you assistance without getting the information of the fathers of your children so they can file a case against him for child support and collect the money that they are giving you for him failing to pay child support.

She may have a side hustle that you dont know about that is allowing her to pay for all those "extras".

I'd be real with her and tell her how I feel and slowly distance yourself if she remains ignant...


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
RoseRed said:
OMG!!! :roflmao: :killingme :roflmao:

Welfare 11-17-2006 05:08 AM You must be one of those that milk the system as well... pathetic...

You have drunk-dialed me a few times. :eyebrow:


Finishing last
I agree with Qurious. Seems there are missing facts here. I mean pay as you go cell phones are not that expensive and internet can be as little as $9 a month dialup. I don't see this as extravagant. I had a sister in law up in Mass that used to draw welfare and she had a full time under the table job. This I think is wrong. But I don't expect someone on welfare that is going to school to better themselves to have to live like a hermit. As long as they aren't living the life of Riley. If you really think they are abusing the system turn them in. I'm not a big fan of the welfare system, but in the cases of single parents I do have some sympathy.


Jaded said:
Not anymore.
She quit.

She's talking about getting a part time job now but I don't think she will once she realizes that she'll get kicked off welfare.
She can't work full time though because of school.

I work full time and overtime...and go to school full time...online classes...if she has internet...so sorry if she has to stop partying to do homework...sorry but welfare should be for those who truly need it, who have lost everything, not for people who quit.


I saw a woman with two kids both had IPOD Nano's, she was talking on a RAZR cell phone and was paying for her groceries at SFW with food stamps. She left the store and got in her Excursion with its fancy rims.

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
Jaded said:
I have a friend in her 30's who quit her job a while back and now gets welfare.

She's a single mom with two children, doesn't get child support from either of the fathers, no disabilities, and recently started community college, bill footed by the state.

She has a cell phone and she has the internet and she goes out drinking and partying several times a week, all paid for by the state.

Is it wrong of me to think this is ludicrous?

I'm not trying to be judgemental but I am also a single mother of two and have always made it on my own with no help from the state.
I have never gotten welfare, I have always worked long hours and sometimes two jobs to make ends meet.

It's awkward when she asks me to go out and party with her.
Part of me doesn't want to go because I don't want to condone her partying on someones tax dollars.
The other part of me says what the hell, you're paying for it anyway.

I give her credit for trying to continue her education but I do not think that she should be getting all of this free from the state.

Are my feelings wrong? What do you think?

Thank you for letting me vent.

Great...another one on the system. I bust my ass working two jobs and going to school (granted I have no kids) and this pitch is out partying all night long. She needs to get off her ass and get a job....


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
When the welfare people told me I couldn't get Cracker Barrel cheese with my WIC card, I told them to eff off and went back to work the very next day.


I bowl overhand
Jaded said:
I have a friend in her 30's who quit her job a while back and now gets welfare.

She's a single mom with two children, doesn't get child support from either of the fathers, no disabilities, and recently started community college, bill footed by the state.

She has a cell phone and she has the internet and she goes out drinking and partying several times a week, all paid for by the state.

Is it wrong of me to think this is ludicrous?
I've stated this many times before:
Other then the partying, I think this is what Welfare should be for.. Here's a single mother of two going to school.. SO she gets an education in 4 or 5 years, and can get a job to support her family on and no longer be on the dole.. Good for her!

Without an education, how many jobs out there are good enough to support a family? So, a single parent, I don't see where you have much choice.

The other option is she just not do anything and her be on welfare and SSI and whatever else she can for her lifetime, and her kids see how they can live without ever working so the cycle starts, generation after generation on welfare..

I don't want to foot the bill for someone to be on welfare their entire lives and their entire kids lives. I have no problem paying 4, 5 or 6 years for her to be able to provide for and support herself and her family, it's a small price for us to pay for someone to become independent.

If I was rich enough I'd pay it out of my pocket for a single mom or single dad to do the same.
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I don't see where it's anyones business, except the person in question. :shrug:
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missperky said:
I don't see where it's anyones business, except the person in question. :shrug:

You are so right !
It is not anyones business except the person in question
anyone who works and pays taxes !!