We're Not In the Mood


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pix, I love ya but #1, you're not married and #2, you have a little one that goes to bed at a decent time. Of COURSE you're always in the mood. You only get approached when you ARE in the mood - think about it. I, too, was always in the mood before Larry and I were married and I only had to deal with him when it was convenient for me. :lol:

Plus that, guys don't get the correlation between them tormenting you about something and your lack of sex drive. Larry says, "Hey, let's make up!" and I say, "Now I know you have lost your mind!!!" :lol:


Originally posted by cattitude
I jokingly said..."Otter" stop that. Totally grossed out, my son said "fine, I'm going home."

:roflmao: There ya go!! :roflmao:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
"Hey, let's make up!" and I say, "Now I know you have lost your mind!!!" :lol:

Thank God! I'm not the only one... I was starting to think there was something wrong with me. :biggrin:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Pix, I love ya but #1, you're not married and #2, you have a little one that goes to bed at a decent time. Of COURSE you're always in the mood. You only get approached when you ARE in the mood - think about it. I, too, was always in the mood before Larry and I were married and I only had to deal with him when it was convenient for me. :lol:

This may be true but I was with my ex husband for 5 years. Hell sex was probably the only thing that kept us together at all. Let's start my day.... Up at 5:30-6:00 get ready for work, get the little one up and ready for the sitter. At work in DC by about 8ish, get off between 4:00 and 5:00. A healthy hour plus drive home. Pick up the little one, play for a bit (we need the quality time) fix dinner and feed him. Play a little more, bath time then off to bed around 8. After 8 I can do my laundry, clean up around the house, paint my nails or whatever else I think I really need to do. I probably crawl in bed around 11ish. So while it may look easy on the outside it's not as easy as it looks. You have kids and an 18 month old requires a lot more attention the a teenager. I'm not complaining in the least. I made my life. I was just stressing earlier the fact that I find the time even if it means less sleep for a night to take care of business.


aka Mrs. Giant
Originally posted by IM4Change
...counselors can't tell you how much sex you should be having, but most agree that you should be having some. .... It can affect moods and spill over into all aspects of life--relationships with other family members, even performance in the office.
Aha I think I have located my problem:rolleyes:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by cattitude
I too used to think this was true......:frown:

Ok well hopefully most teenagers are able to feed themselves (notice i didn't say cook for just feed), use the bathroom on their own, bathe themselves and put their own pj's on.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
A preist, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar.

The bartender looks up and says "What is this, a joke?"


Being a parent is hard work! It starts the day they are born and it never gets a whole lot easier. Demands and problems just change that's all.

Sex... That's a different story. For us, the kids have never really been much of a problem. *Our bedroom door locks* We wrestle with stress and life more than anything.

Some nights, I'd chop Biscuits hand off if he reached over for me. Luckily, he knows me well and still has both hands. :biggrin:


I think there is a huge transition from child #1 to child #2 and so on. With my first son, it didn't take long to bounce back. Now, with the second, I'm not as frisky as I was before. I thought the article was well written and articulate on the increased demands women have faced over the years. Let’s face it, woman today are suppose to clean the house, take care of the kids, do the household errands, slap a paycheck on the table AND be in the mood all the time. :killingme


Originally posted by Kyle
A preist, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar.

The bartender looks up and says "What is this, a joke?"

Speaking of priest. I have a funny story.

We have a priest that stops by the office a couple of times a week. The other day, he was telling a group of people that he just might see the day when priest will be allowed to get married. So, I asked if he would get married, and he said “absolutely.” One of the guys in the room had a look on his face and I just knew something silly was going to come out of his mouth. He said, “I don’t think the makers of Vaseline are going to like this one bit.”


I've never been married so I can't speak but so much, but from the relationships I've been in, you only get out of them the amout of effort that you put into them.


Originally posted by callmewhatuwant
I've never been married so I can't speak but so much, but from the relationships I've been in, you only get out of them the amout of effort that you put into them.

Get married, and tack 20 years onto your life.....then come back and let us know when you put 80% and he puts in 20% effort, and your energy level decreases. I thought the same thing when I was 20/30 something. :wink:


Originally posted by IM4Change
Let’s face it, woman today are suppose to clean the house, take care of the kids, do the household errands, slap a paycheck on the table AND be in the mood all the time. :killingme

This is so true!


Originally posted by Flo
Get married, and tack 20 years onto your life.....then come back and let us know when you put 80% and he puts in 20% effort, and your energy level decreases. I thought the same thing when I was 20/30 something. :wink:

Just realized you may be a "He." Of course if you are, you probably don't understand either.:razz2: