What Are Your Memories From Two Years of the COVID Cult?


PREMO Member
We’ve endured two years of made-up absurdities and flat out lies. No, I am not suggesting the virus wasn’t real or that it wasn’t deadly… For some people, like the elderly and overweight, it was dangerous. Nonetheless, here are some of my fond memories during the two years–of 15 days to slow the spread.

  1. Cloth masks save lives.
  2. 6 feet distance. It’s the science.
  3. Public health officials (unelected and often non-medical doctors) turned police into COVID cops. They ran police tape across park entrances to prevent people from using open air parks. Maintenance crews took down basketball hoops and poured tons of sand into skate parks.
  4. Beaches were closed. Joggers were tracked down like a fleeing felons for not wearing masks.
  5. One-way arrows pointing down grocery store aisles
  6. Wipe down all your groceries with sanitizers.
  7. Covidians ended handshakes, forever.
  8. Marijuana stores were open, but gyms were not.
  9. Ruining children with remote “learning” because of teachers unions wouldn’t teach.
  10. Biden’s Winter of Death of the Unvaccinated

COVIDIANS gave me plenty of fodder for cartoons. The pandemic is over for most of us. For some, it will never end. But, cults are like that.



Well-Known Member
I remember "science" being used to justify absolutely anything - without any regard for ACTUAL provable science but mere conjecture which usually turned out to be bullchit.


Well-Known Member
Covid was bad, it was crazy, but it wasn't as bad as TDS.
Covid was a plot by the Chinese in concert with the democrats to get Donald Trump out of the White House.
And it worked.

Durham is working on the plot by Hillary and the democrats to destroy the Trump Presidency.
He should also be looking into the Chinese and Biden and democrat plot to use a bio-weapon that Faucci worked on to bring down the Trump Administration.
IMO the biggest threat to America is the Democrat party.


Well-Known Member
I remember thinking it was some kind of crazy social experiment at first. I remember hating how everyone was saying "Do it for the good of everyone." I hated watching a country just give up their rights. I do remember a few that fought it like the hair salon woman. Still admire them.


Well-Known Member
It revealed to ME at least, just how elitist these people are - holding parties while encouraging others NOT to - perhaps even scaling down Thanksgiving - while they themselves have large gatherings without masks or social distancing. How they all granted themselves excuses for doing as they liked while simultaneously SHUTTING DOWN businesses - but keeping open businesses on THEIR schedule. DRACONIAN rules for thee but not for me.

It reminded us that these elitists have no concept of the way others lived - from Hollywood types to rich politicians, for whom staying at home was a joy - unlike the millions who live in homes smaller than THEIR living room with a whole family - stuck - quarantined. And precious little chance of making money.

CURFEWS - when it had been LONG LONG established that the virus doesn't spread outdoors, especially in sunlight.

The FIGMO behavior of law enforcement. And the occasional one with the courage NOT to.


Well-Known Member
Lots of memories, but current. Watching the news this morning. Confusion over wearing masks on planes. What is confusing.? You don't have to now. It was lifted. What is confusing is the people who still want to try & force masks on people. Also the insane driving solo with a mask on. Its just the germaphobes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I remember thinking there was no way our country would ever be as described by Vrai and her warnings of the power plays being put in place.

I remember being months in and realizing she was spot on and we all owed her an apology.

I remember.

We should probably extend that to mAlice as well and her observations about pedo culture in this country. She also nailed it when she was suspicious of schools and was big on homeschooling.

And I appreciate you saying this. :love: It's frustrating to go, "Wow, would you look at that!" and have people be like, "What? Where?" "Right there, see?" "I don't see anything." "How can you not see that, it's right there literally in front of your face?" "Sorry, not seeing it."



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Anyway my most profound memory of rona fever is still ongoing: how easy it was for them to get Americans (Americans!) to cower in fear and surrender, turning against their family and friends, even as the reasons being presented to us were demonstrably absurd. I'd read about that in history books and always questioned it; having never seen it myself I couldn't conceive of such a massive cultlike herd mentality. But now I will never forget it.


Well-Known Member
I worked at a medical research lab the week after Xmas 2019. The place was like a huge ghost town, since it was shut down for maintenance. When I saw pictures of the Wuhan lab it looked eerily like this place. Big refrigerators in every hallway with "Do Not Open Biohazard" home made signs on the doors .3 of the 4 guys on my crew were sick as dogs for several weeks after. My whole family was sick with fevers, chills, no appetite for weeks. No respiratory issues beyond minor cold/flu symptoms. Had never heard of Covid up to that point. In the 2 years after that I worked pretty much every day except for when I was made to stay home because I was a "close contact". I've tested negative 6 times because I was forced to have 2 negative tests each time before I could return to work. Light traffic was a definite plus.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I'll never forget how every psychotic hypochondriac was blessed by the government, encouraged and rewarded for being a good little Nazi.

Reporting, Harassing and Attacking those that didn't cower in fear of the Kung Flu and submit to their idiotic ideas of how to deal with it.
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