What Are Your Memories From Two Years of the COVID Cult?


PREMO Member
So you're on call all the time, and it looks bad if you're away from your desk for more than a bit.

the irony is, `

if you were down the hall in the break room or at the water cooler talking about Sundays Redskins Game for 45 min you would be ' ok '


PREMO Member
Management has commented that our projects are being completed in less time, leaving time for other tasks to be completed. Productivity is up, job satisfaction is up.

You are not suffering constant interruptions from people stopping by your desk to ' chit chat '


Well-Known Member
If I may ...

I remember fighting against this covid BS from day one, posting relevant and helpful information debunking and auguring against the BS fear porn, and having to deal with the covid cowards here ridiculing my, and other's, position. Other than that, living a normal life through the BS and antagonizing the covidiots when out and about.

So true. I remember.

Also.. I remember someone (SG) deleting a whole thread with everything we posted on the subject.

People are crazy..is why I don't like them much.