yeah yeah
besides a spank on the butt (and I reserve those when needed...) and or yelling?
My daughter has definatly reached the terrible two's stage, but is finding her defiance in the mix too. I am trying to find different tactics that have worked to disapline.
I have no problem swatting her butt if she gets out of line, or a tap on the mouth if she gets sassy. Or telling her to knock it off, and threatening a spanking.. but it almost seems that she is just not caring anymore.
For instance, tonight we were out, had errands to run, and she promptly decided she didnt want to listen, and then when we told her otherwise, she went into a fit. So, I looked her straight in the face and told her to stop, and that it wasnt ok and to stand here with daddy. Trust me, this wasnt in a mamsy pamsy voice. She then decided to revert to saying "no daddy" and yelling it in a manner that made people think that he was hurting her (which he wasnt). So.. I said for him to take her out of the store- I would try the shoes on quickly and be out. I get out, and she appologized "I very sorry mommy". I told her that it is not ok to act this way. Well, we stop at walmart- for me to pick up some things- and I had to go to the bathroom, and hubby stays with the cart and her. She is SCREAMING bloody murder "no daddy.. mommy!" because I went and didnt take her. I could hear her all the way in the bathroom.
I dont want my kid to be a brat. And it is embarassing amongst other things, because I dont want her to be the type of kid that no one wants to be around, and or the one that disturbs people.
I understand also that kids do this, and see what they can get away with, and I am not one to let her do as she pleases. She knows her boundries (or so I thought before), and I use to be able to just give her a look. Now, its "NO" or "NO I WONT" or complete lack of control. Dont get me wrong- I know a 2 year old can only have so much control, but I need to find some other ways to disapline I think, because I dont want to be constantly yelling or screaming, and I dont want to constantly spank her. I have also used the tactic of taking things away- but I dont think she fully gets that concept.
My daughter has definatly reached the terrible two's stage, but is finding her defiance in the mix too. I am trying to find different tactics that have worked to disapline.
I have no problem swatting her butt if she gets out of line, or a tap on the mouth if she gets sassy. Or telling her to knock it off, and threatening a spanking.. but it almost seems that she is just not caring anymore.
For instance, tonight we were out, had errands to run, and she promptly decided she didnt want to listen, and then when we told her otherwise, she went into a fit. So, I looked her straight in the face and told her to stop, and that it wasnt ok and to stand here with daddy. Trust me, this wasnt in a mamsy pamsy voice. She then decided to revert to saying "no daddy" and yelling it in a manner that made people think that he was hurting her (which he wasnt). So.. I said for him to take her out of the store- I would try the shoes on quickly and be out. I get out, and she appologized "I very sorry mommy". I told her that it is not ok to act this way. Well, we stop at walmart- for me to pick up some things- and I had to go to the bathroom, and hubby stays with the cart and her. She is SCREAMING bloody murder "no daddy.. mommy!" because I went and didnt take her. I could hear her all the way in the bathroom.
I dont want my kid to be a brat. And it is embarassing amongst other things, because I dont want her to be the type of kid that no one wants to be around, and or the one that disturbs people.
I understand also that kids do this, and see what they can get away with, and I am not one to let her do as she pleases. She knows her boundries (or so I thought before), and I use to be able to just give her a look. Now, its "NO" or "NO I WONT" or complete lack of control. Dont get me wrong- I know a 2 year old can only have so much control, but I need to find some other ways to disapline I think, because I dont want to be constantly yelling or screaming, and I dont want to constantly spank her. I have also used the tactic of taking things away- but I dont think she fully gets that concept.