What disapline tactic's work for your 2 year old?


New Member
mine is weird. if you take her out during nap time she'll have a melt down but if your at home and put her in her room for nap time, she's awake the whole time.

Yeah, same here.
It makes a diffence though, even if they don't sleep, just to have down time.


Aren't you the one that posted pictures of your kids after they beat each other up?

If you couldn't control older kids with reasoning skills, why would anyone believe you could control a two year old?

That has got to be the dumbest thing you have ever said.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!

Naptime was sacred when mine were little and NOTHING got in the way of that. It's tough enough wrangling some toddler without them being tired and cranky on top of it.

My toddlers take a 2 to 3 hour nap everyday. That is my favorite time of day! We are always home for it, errands, shopping, appointments, outings, everything is planned around that time. They go nuts without a nap and I need that time to decompress and get stuff done.


Well-Known Member
My two year old is into throwing some fits every now and then as well. I'll say, "Do you want time out", and she says "yes" and walks over to sit on the stairs. After a minute or two I'll say are your ready to say your sorry now and she'll either say yes or no. If she says no she will then let me know when she is ready to get out of time out. She's not cried once in time out yet, but for some reason it ends the original fit and she's once again happy. Her new thing now is to drop her shoulders and hang her head and say "I'm sad" when I tell her no. I can't help but laugh at her each time she does this, and then she smiles and giggles back.

Good luck. They don't call them the terrible two's for nothing.


Active Member
She's still resting.

Mine weren't required to sleep if they didn't want to, they just had to chill for at least an hour with no outside influences.

:yeahthat: My almost three year old has not consistenly napped in months but I still make her have some quiet time to relax.


Well-Known Member
I see a lot of parents out shopping with their toddlers when it should be naptime or even worse, bedtime. It is selfish to drag them around the mall all day without a nap so mommy can get some new shoes. And then mommy can't understand why her precious angel suddenly has a very loud and very public meltdown. Duh?! Does it ever occur to them that perhaps their little hellions are exhausted and need to sleep? Sometimes you gotta make sacrifices and stay home so your sleep-deprived children can get some rest. Not a sermon.....

It's really nice when the grandparents take the girlie out for a morning of shopping and refuse to bring her back by naptime. Not that I'm bitter or anything. As punishment, they should have to deal with her for the rest of the day. :evil:


New Member
I see a lot of parents out shopping with their toddlers when it should be naptime or even worse, bedtime. It is selfish to drag them around the mall all day without a nap so mommy can get some new shoes. And then mommy can't understand why her precious angel suddenly has a very loud and very public meltdown. Duh?! Does it ever occur to them that perhaps their little hellions are exhausted and need to sleep? Sometimes you gotta make sacrifices and stay home so your sleep-deprived children can get some rest. Not a sermon.....

I agree. When my 22 month old starts to act up while we are out I evaluate the situation, is she hungry, thirsty or tired....normally she's tired and needs a nap to re-energize. Normally our trips are long enough that she can get a 30 minute nap in here and there so she's normally pretty good. I've left her and hubby napping in the van when they both needed a nap.


New Member
I believe they also advise on one of the nanny shows that if the kid is acting up in public, you immediately leave, go home and they go to time out. I know this sucks for you, but I have left a cart full of stuff right in the store and left before. Only had to do this once, never happened again. I use time out and have a special chair reserved for it and set the timer one minute per year of age. Works well for me. I usually can make my child behave just by getting down to eye level and talking in a stern (not loud) voice what I expect of her.

Nanny Pam

You must remain firm with kids, or they'll walk all over you. Mine knew by the tone of my voice, that I meant what I said. I agree with fjennell.