itsbob said:
paper money (especially a dollar bill) life expectancy is about a year.. which means every year the mint has to suck up the cost of replacing the bills they made last year PLUS the new currency... A coin's life expectancy is about 10 years, or more.. Little higher up front costs, but it last 10 - 20 times longer.
Get rid of the bills, stop making them, replace them with coins. The vending machine companies will catch on, or go under.
I've lived where I'd say 80% of the currency I was carrying was in coin.. had very little in the way of bills in my pocket. You adjust, and these days, with the ATM's, it's rare I have more then a few dollars in my pocket anymore anyways. Now if vending machines would take ATM's, I'd be cash free.
It costs only about .03 cents to produce a paper note, be it a $1, $2, $5, $10, $50, or $100 dollar bill. Talking about making money. Paper money is printed at the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, not the mint.
And the reason the Silver Dollar exists no more is because it actually had valve, relative to its silver content. If you have a pre-1964 silver dollar, it would be worth about 12-14 paper dollars today.
The reason, silver, and gold, are elemental metals. They can not be made from nothing like the paper currency we have today. Today's paper money has no value, zilch, nada, is only backed by the trust we put in it.
This is why we have inflation, or a better explanation, the expansion of the money supply, monetary inflation. ie. printing more money that is needed to sustain the economy.
If you really want to understand what is happening to our Country visit this website. Or, do your own research. But get educated, please!
Learn about the Federal Reserve, a private banking system. How we as a nation are being robbed.