What do you think about a DeSantis/Cruz ticket?


Well-Known Member
Alllll....him's all mad and stomping him li'l feetsies :huggy:



Well-Known Member
Without going too far into the weeds - (I do kind of like that expression, very visual) - this has all been hashed about before, and it was widely agreed that yes, Cruz qualifies. Even liberal rags agreed. WHY? Because it was Trump who was disputing it, and they were gunning for him.

To my mind, this has long been settled. To my recollection, some court - Illinois? - said, yeah, he's good, stop getting your panties in a wad.

Frankly, I don't see Cruz getting into it again - I think he'd rather go for SCOTUS. I'm more concerned that DeSantis, if nominated, will choose someone MUCH WORSE - like a Lindsay Graham or Nikki Haley - who'd just be more of the same when it comes to the GOP.

I generally like him, which is odd, because - like Newt - I didn't, at first. His voice, for one thing. But like some Senators, he cuts to the chase and doesn't waffle on stuff, at least when it comes to issues.
100% agree. I was trying to bring up that citizenship birthright also has residency requirements. Your foreign born children may be American but your grandchildren may not.


Well-Known Member
Hey Pookie? If I were to post a gaggle of “Constitutional Scholars ” whose writings laid out the many reasons how your cult leader, Donald J. Trump AKA The Fat Guy, committed multiple felonies, would you pay it any mind?

Didn’t think so.

So go **** yourself, you over fed sow
The misogyny & bigotry is strong in you...
oh yeah, let's not forget the ignorance & inferiority as well...they are actually stronger in you
But we expect nothing less from our inferiors...


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Well you would certainly know more than all those Constitutional scholars. I'll absolutely take your word over theirs.

Why would I, or anyone, take the word of some self proclaimed "Constitutional scholars" when anyone can read plainly the Constitutional text for themselves? Absent a change via a Constitutional amendment, the definition when it was written and ratified, a natural born citizen meant one who was born on the land/soil which is the United States and, not foreign born. Ted Cruz, whether some like it or not, was foreign born. His US born mother and/or father, (((((( in order for his US citizenship to be recognized )))))), had to register his birth at the nearest US Consulate and provide the Consulate with the necessary documentation to prove that they themselves, the parent or parents, truly are US Citizens themselves. There is no ambiguity, no way around that fact. Because a Canadian birth certificate alone just will not cut it.

Sure, he may have a fire in his belly and be all gung-ho, but, rules are rules and the intent is clear.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
My kids are recognized as US citizens born abroad. They hold passports from both the US and their nation of birth.

The birth certificate is pretty snazzy. Very official looking.
