what do you think

sockgirl77 said:
I know a guy who slept with a 12 year old girl a few times. He was 19 at the time. He got arrested and was charged with the crime. He was given 18 months work release of which he only had to serve 13 months. :rolleyes:
You are not describing a violent rape. I don't see how your response to Ken's post has anything to do with his post...:eyebrow:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
jenbengen said:
Are you one of those people that think sex offenders are all big scary old men who smell funny and are unshaven? They look just like anybody else and can certainly be young.
No, I am one that thinks that rapists should spend 20 plus years in jail and be castrated prior to release, okay?


Well-Known Member
kwillia said:
You are not describing a violent rape. I don't see how your response to Ken's post has anything to do with his post...:eyebrow:
No. It was not violent. But, I think that these guys get off too easily, violent or not it is still rape.


Watch it
FYI: the president of this college emailed back immediately and was already on it. Seems like a really nice guy. I think he just became president recently. :yay:


aka Mrs. Giant
MMDad said:
I clicked a linkie and got this info SCARY :jameo:

Sexually Violent Offenders - These registrants have been convicted in Maryland of the following offenses (or of comparable offenses if convicted in another state, federal, military, or Native American tribal court) that occurred on or after July 1, 1997 (or before July 1, 1997, if in the custody or under the supervision of a "supervising authority" on October 1, 2001):

* Rape First Degree (Criminal Law Article, § 3-303)
* Rape Second Degree (Criminal Law Article, § 3-304)
* Sex Offense First Degree (Criminal Law Article, § 3-305)
* Sex Offense Second Degree (Criminal Law Article, § 3-306)
* Sex Offense Third Degree (Criminal Law Article, § 3-307)
* Attempted Rape First Degree (Criminal Law Article, § 3-309)
* Attempted Rape Second Degree (Criminal Law Article, § 3-310)
* Attempted Sexual Offense First Degree (Criminal Law Article, § 3-311)
* Attempted Sexual Offense Second Degree (Criminal Law Article, § 3-312)
* Assault with Intent to Commit Rape First Degree, Rape Second Degree, Sex Offense First Degree, or Sex Offense Second Degree as prohibited on or before September 30, 1996, under former Article 27, § 12.

Sexually Violent Predators - These registrants have been convicted of a sexually violent offense (listed under Sexually Violent Offenders, above) that occurred on or after July 1, 1997. They have also been determined in accordance with Criminal Procedure Article §§ 11-703, to be at risk of committing a subsequent sexually violent offense.

An individual must register as a sexually violent predator if before moving into this state, the individual was required to register by another state, federal, military, or Native American tribal court every 90 days for life.


New Member
Registered offenders can be looked up at:


Most other states have an online registry also, all you have to do is put in a name or zip code and any offenders in your area will be listed.

If this can be provided by the state I don't see a reason that the college shouldn't be able to have a required registry of their own.


New Member
Another thought...
as a parent I regularly check the registry web site for listings in our zip code.
I also check the zips in areas my kids spend alot of time, i.e. grandparents, schools, activities.


New Member
I use that website too..

There are alot of men that are older that also get accussed for rape and really they didn't do anything its just the girl crying "rape". There are alot of 18 year olds that also get accussed also because they are dating a girl younger then 16 or something. Check and make sure what he has on his record is legit before "accussing" him. Then again, you never know what goes through peoples heads and there are alot of "crazies" out there lol


New Member
Poohhunny1605 said:
I use that website too..

There are alot of men that are older that also get accussed for rape and really they didn't do anything its just the girl crying "rape". There are alot of 18 year olds that also get accussed also because they are dating a girl younger then 16 or something. Check and make sure what he has on his record is legit before "accussing" him. Then again, you never know what goes through peoples heads and there are alot of "crazies" out there lol
There are a lot of people accused of rape who did not commit the crime. Being accused and convicted are two seperate issues. I won't get into a long diatribe about investigating these crimes but the evidence in sex offenses and rape cases is pretty overwhelming.

Also, an 18 year old dating a fifteen year old is not against the law. The requirement is the person be four or more years older than the victim.
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New Member
jenbengen said:
HYPOTHETICALLY, let's say you attend a community college with a small campus and you discover there is a registered "violent sex offender" (basically includes violent rape or attempted violent rape) attending.

After all of the chat about what VaTech should and should not have done about the crazy shooter guy, what do you think? Should the college take any measures to monitor this dude or let students know about him?

FYI: HYPOTHETICALLY, the president of such college is actively seeking info on this. But what do YOU think.
First, let me say that not every registered sex offender is required to stay away from children. As a matter of fact I would say most are not. Usually they are required only to stay away from the victim. Don't blame the messenger, write your legislator or judge.

Second, here are some requirments for registered sex offenders.

A registrant who commences or terminates enrollment or employment at an institution of higher education in the state shall send written notice to the State Registry within 7 days.

A registrant may not knowingly enter onto real property: that is used for public or nonpublic elementary or secondary education; or on which is located: a registered family day care home. A person who enteres into a contract with a county board of education or nonpublic school may not knowingly employ an individual to work at a school if the individual is a registrant. (Criminal Procedure Article sub section 11-722.


New Member
jenbengen said:
HYPOTHETICALLY, let's say you attend a community college with a small campus and you discover there is a registered "violent sex offender" (basically includes violent rape or attempted violent rape) attending.

After all of the chat about what VaTech should and should not have done about the crazy shooter guy, what do you think? Should the college take any measures to monitor this dude or let students know about him?

FYI: HYPOTHETICALLY, the president of such college is actively seeking info on this. But what do YOU think.
If I was you I would search that data base again, as there is also a violent offender that is employed there :whistle:


Main Streeter
jenbengen said:
FYI: the president of this college emailed back immediately and was already on it. Seems like a really nice guy. I think he just became president recently. :yay:

He's been ther a year now.


New Member
Well, let me ask this, not to get off topic, what if you check this sexual offender out and pull his record on that MD Judicial Court website, and you find that the girl that has cried rape on him as well as two other people, would you say it is her or would you say him?

Just curious! Sorry don't want to start a new topic here.

I do think that maybe check him out first before making a scene at the school about it kinda thing! Chances are, they know he is an offender and I don't know that they can deny him an education can they? Then again I'm not one to keep up with this stuff. :ohwell: