For the most part...
So is it better to lose with your principles intact than to win at all costs? is MUCH better to lose with your principles intact, otherwise, you start to lose them and before long, you have none and therefore 'winning' or 'losing'
means no more than buying a lottery ticket; you take what you get.
Now, 'principles' come in various degrees.
How imporant is the principle in question? Vote accordingly.
Case in point: The last election showed a great deal of passion on the left. The march in NYC. The entre' of moveon into the political landscape, Goerge Soros and so on. These people were adamantly anti war. It was THE issue.
So, what do they do? They vote Kerry who does, does not support the war.
The result is that their principle is wasted voting for a person who not only does not represent their views BUT would have done nothing different had he won. That was clear.
The really bad part is that there is no change in politics to their view. Look at Dennis Kucinich. He stated flatly that the war was illegal and therefore he would pull us out in 90 days. THAT was their position, their principle. They wasted their principle, a principle they claimed to hold dear.
Had they voted Kucinich, A. if he wins, great. B. if he loses their principle is intact and the parties must take notice. Their voice is known and heard.
As it is, they are nothing, less than nothing. All their emotion and action was wasted because one party knows it will get their support anyway and the other knows it won't matter because their view will be lost in voting for a compromise candidate.