What I did last week reporting


#*! boat!
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Talked to a neighbor yesterday who said that they are getting about 75% of their workload completed now compared to a month or two ago due to slow connection speeds with everyone being back in office. I guess they didn't want to invest money in infrastructure to support the demand. Gonna be even worse next week when even more people have to be back in office on PAX.


Well-Known Member
Talked to a neighbor yesterday who said that they are getting about 75% of their workload completed now compared to a month or two ago due to slow connection speeds with everyone being back in office. I guess they didn't want to invest money in infrastructure to support the demand. Gonna be even worse next week when even more people have to be back in office on PAX.
I don't care if they play grab ass all day as long as they are in the office. The rest will sort itself out.


Well-Known Member
I don't care if they play grab ass all day as long as they are in the office.
Interesting stance. If you don't care whether they are producing any work product or not, then why care if they are "in the office" or sitting on their azz at home watching TV?
Personally, I care if my tax dollars are being spent wisely. I want more production and a better work product from those who live off it.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

SGI does about 90% of the work...

Taking it easy on him huh? Do you know what he does with the other 10%. Aren't employees supposed to give 100% all the time? Thinking ya might want to reevaluate your altruism. Just say'in. Wouldn't want those government workers getting anymore ideas on slouching from @stgislander.


Well-Known Member
Interesting stance. If you don't care whether they are producing any work product or not, then why care if they are "in the office" or sitting on their azz at home watching TV?
Personally, I care if my tax dollars are being spent wisely. I want more production and a better work product from those who live off it.
They were hired to be in the office, until they accept a reduction in pay to work remotely, I expect them there doing nothing just like remotely. More production from a government employee, HA! I would be happy if they just cut the time in half that they spend trying to justify why something didn't get accomplished.


Well-Known Member
They were hired to be in the office, until they accept a reduction in pay to work remotely, I expect them there doing nothing just like remotely. More production from a government employee, HA! I would be happy if they just cut the time in half that they spend trying to justify why something didn't get accomplished.
Looks like you don't know much about the hiring practices employed by the GOV over the last several years. I'll let you know....

See... there were MANY workers hired directly to remote/distant telework agreements. Allbeit, with the caveat that if they were called back to office, they had to respond and report. So, you see... many employees over the last few years were in fact NOT "hired to be in office."

Now, I do agree that MANY workers were not producing anywhere near what they could have or were supposed to produce so, I am in favor of them being back in the office however, there were a few that were grinders at home and those are the few that I feel bad for. Saying all this, I still want my tax dollar being used wisely and am not satisfied with them sitting on their azz 'in the office.'


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Saying all this, I still want my tax dollar being used wisely and am not satisfied with them sitting on their azz 'in the office.'
Having been a federal employee since almost the Reagan administration -

You'd think people thought that federal workers never were blessed with the idea they were lazy until the pandemic.

For twenty five plus years before we had Internet and PCs, I've seen all kinds of ways of people dodging work and being lazy. Signing in in the morning, signing out at the end of the day - but otherwise, disappearing for eight hours and no one keeping them accountable. Spending most of the day flitting around cubicle to cubicle, chatting and then sauntering off to the cafeteria. Amazing how the cafeteria managed to have people there - when they weren't serving food. One crazy lady - she would just sit motionless in the stairwell - doing nothing. Another brought in a small TV and watched game shows - which we would turn OFF when she left her desk.

There used to be a bar across the street (now long gone). Lots of these lazy asses spent their work day over there. They'd come back at lunch time reeking of alcohol.

Lazy F**KS who are impossible to fire have been the bane of government since for as long as I know. But they're like the guy in the lifeboat who refuses to paddle while everyone else does - they just make it harder for the rest of them.

I would LIKE VERY MUCH - for good performance to be rewarded - for excellent performance to be richly rewarded - and for bad performance to be rewarded with walking papers.

Some years back we used to get a bonus depending on how good a review we got. NOPE. Union said, can't do that, EVERYONE gets the same bonus, regardless of review. They used to have little cash awards for doing a good job on a project. Same answer - which resulted in NO ONE getting one.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you don't know much about the hiring practices employed by the GOV over the last several years. I'll let you know....

See... there were MANY workers hired directly to remote/distant telework agreements. Allbeit, with the caveat that if they were called back to office, they had to respond and report. So, you see... many employees over the last few years were in fact NOT "hired to be in office."

Now, I do agree that MANY workers were not producing anywhere near what they could have or were supposed to produce so, I am in favor of them being back in the office however, there were a few that were grinders at home and those are the few that I feel bad for. Saying all this, I still want my tax dollar being used wisely and am not satisfied with them sitting on their azz 'in the office.'
A comprehensive reading course would do you a world of good. Being told that you may be required to report to the office, means exactly that! (It is a condition of your continuing employment) Trying to split hairs just means that you are more of a moron than I realized.


Well-Known Member
I would LIKE VERY MUCH - for good performance to be rewarded - for excellent performance to be richly rewarded - and for bad performance to be rewarded with walking papers.

Some years back we used to get a bonus depending on how good a review we got. NOPE. Union said, can't do that, EVERYONE gets the same bonus, regardless of review. They used to have little cash awards for doing a good job on a project. Same answer - which resulted in NO ONE getting one.
Had a guy that was hired on to do a job that, as it turns out, knew absolutely nothing about how the job needed to be done. Instead of releasing him/firing him.. the boss kept him around because he would do any little thing that was requested of him. Take out the trash... SURE! Sweep the floor... SURE! etc.
Always chapped my azz that, when bonus time came around, he would always get an equal share.
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Well-Known Member
A comprehensive reading course would do you a world of good. Being told that you may be required to report to the office, means exactly that! (It is a condition of your continuing employment) Trying to split hairs just means that you are more of a moron than I realized.
They were hired to be in the office, until they accept a reduction in pay to work remotely, I expect them there doing nothing just like remotely. More production from a government employee, HA! I would be happy if they just cut the time in half that they spend trying to justify why something didn't get accomplished.
Yet another "I will take my dying breath before I admit that I was even the slightest bit WRONG."
You literally started your post with that statement :doh:

You: "They were hired to be in the office"
Me: "Actually, they were hired as remote teleworkers and told they may be called back to the office."
You: "Thats what I said... "They were hired and told they might be called back."
Me: "No.. you literally said "They were hired to be in the office."
You: You need to READZ.
Me: :killingme


Well-Known Member
look, you guys are getting pretty confrontational about this, but we can hopefully agree to a few things I hope:

Even CNN admitted the guvvement hired too many people over the last 50 MONTHS
Then throw in Obamas DEI plan to hire marginal people to procure more votes
Then opened the gates to allow more immigrants/radicals/drug Lords and well, hell we need to finance them, let give em a fake job

Now the Admin has to clean up the slop. It aint pretty cleaning up the slop that feeble Barry-Joe spilled.