France, Germany and other European nations have been getting some of it and will be getting much more in the future since they diluted their culture with incompatible imports.
What I HAVE noticed - is that it doesn't seem to happen at all in Israel, or at nearly the frequency - and given their history, understandable.
I don't think it happens in Russia - when I was there, I noticed armed men in the front area of most large stores. No running out of the store for you - you won't make it to the parking lot - alive.
What I AM noticing is that very many of these muliple shooters are youth. The last several have been. Go back far enough, and you're dealing with youth with very little adult supervision or involvement, who were bullied or had very visible mental problems. A few years ago - so it might not be true any more - a columnist remarked that all of the top mass killers grew up fatherless or without much of a father present in the home.
What I see is that so many want to point to one statistic - the wide availablilty of guns, as the reason. So they push for more restrictions on all guns, especially "assault rifles" (a made up term I'm finding increasingly annoying).
You will NOT "get" all of the guns - I don't care what your registration says. There's hundreds of millions of guns in this country.
You will NOT stop the sale of guns - this nation clearly does not possess either the will or the ability to stop something as deadly as fentanyl, which DAILY kills more than "assault rifles". We can't control the flow of ANYTHING into this country - but we're going to ban guns?
Criminals don't buy their guns from gun dealers. Gang bangers don't buy their guns from gun dealers. They get them illegally and banning guns won't change that. On the other hand, legislators and politicians have zero interest in keeping guns out of the hands of criminals - they just want the mass killings like this one to end.