What I'm enjoying about being in my 50s


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pretty much everything.

I was reading the frizzy hair thread and remembering when I thought my hair looked like crap all the time, which was mostly because I was so picky about it and wasn't content to just go with what I had. Now I wash and go, and it looks great.

Cute young guys call me "ma'am" and hold the door for me. They dance with me at bars and concerts just for fun, not as a pickup.

I can wear socks with my sandals and it looks hippie granola instead of just wrong.

I can say what I think, which I've always done, but now I can get away with it because anyone offended is just a little whippersnapper anyway and not my peer group.

I can beg off on events I don't want to attend because "I'm tired". (The only one who calls :bs: on this is my daughter, who scoffs at me when I say Mommy can't hang anymore. Everyone else buys it.)

Things you younger girls are self-conscious about - dancing, your clothing, your butt, your weird laugh - are accepted as just another facet of me.

Looks are no longer everything. Cute young girls aren't my competition, they're just cute young girls.

I'm not under pressure to acquire the trappings of success. I've already had them and now I can unclutter and look forward to being a vagabond in my retirement.

So far I'm liking this 50+ business. :yay:
So well written! I am still a couple years away from 50 but I don't dread or fear it because I already feel the same way about pretty much everything you wrote! Looking back, the drama of the 'younger' days can really distract a person from enjoying their youth and before they know it they are trying to hang on to it for all it's worth when in reality is way more fun to just go with the flow! :clap:


Happy Camper
Vrai, you forgot to include the grandchildren part!! For those of us who are lucky enough to have them, that's one of the best perks to being in the "Over 50" group! :smile:

Disclaimer: I realize that there are many people who attained grandparent status at ages earlier than the 50's. You all just got your "luck" sooner!!

nobody really

I need a nap
Pretty much everything.

I was reading the frizzy hair thread and remembering when I thought my hair looked like crap all the time, which was mostly because I was so picky about it and wasn't content to just go with what I had. Now I wash and go, and it looks great.

Cute young guys call me "ma'am" and hold the door for me. They dance with me at bars and concerts just for fun, not as a pickup.

I can wear socks with my sandals and it looks hippie granola instead of just wrong.

I can say what I think, which I've always done, but now I can get away with it because anyone offended is just a little whippersnapper anyway and not my peer group.

I can beg off on events I don't want to attend because "I'm tired". (The only one who calls :bs: on this is my daughter, who scoffs at me when I say Mommy can't hang anymore. Everyone else buys it.)

Things you younger girls are self-conscious about - dancing, your clothing, your butt, your weird laugh - are accepted as just another facet of me.

Looks are no longer everything. Cute young girls aren't my competition, they're just cute young girls.

I'm not under pressure to acquire the trappings of success. I've already had them and now I can unclutter and look forward to being a vagabond in my retirement.

So far I'm liking this 50+ business. :yay:

you go girl! I feel the same way, turned 50 a few months back. Vrai, when I met you I didn't think you were older than me. You wear 50+ well! i'm having the best time of my life.


PREMO Member
Vrai, you forgot to include the grandchildren part!! For those of us who are lucky enough to have them, that's one of the best perks to being in the "Over 50" group! :smile:

Disclaimer: I realize that there are many people who attained grandparent status at ages earlier than the 50's. You all just got your "luck" sooner!!

the best thing about grand children, they go HOME .....


Pretty much everything.

I was reading the frizzy hair thread and remembering when I thought my hair looked like crap all the time, which was mostly because I was so picky about it and wasn't content to just go with what I had. Now I wash and go, and it looks great.

Cute young guys call me "ma'am" and hold the door for me. They dance with me at bars and concerts just for fun, not as a pickup.

I can wear socks with my sandals and it looks hippie granola instead of just wrong.

I can say what I think, which I've always done, but now I can get away with it because anyone offended is just a little whippersnapper anyway and not my peer group.
I can beg off on events I don't want to attend because "I'm tired". (The only one who calls :bs: on this is my daughter, who scoffs at me when I say Mommy can't hang anymore. Everyone else buys it.)

Things you younger girls are self-conscious about - dancing, your clothing, your butt, your weird laugh - are accepted as just another facet of me.

Looks are no longer everything. Cute young girls aren't my competition, they're just cute young girls.

I'm not under pressure to acquire the trappings of success. I've already had them and now I can unclutter and look forward to being a vagabond in my retirement.

So far I'm liking this 50+ business. :yay:
I like that one. And the older I get, the more I just don't give a crap.


A couple other things...

You can dress for comfort. You don't like the way I am dressed....don't look. No more throwing out an entire wardrobe because they go out of style. And the shoes.....don't have to wear the uncomfortable high heels at work... low or no heel shoes work just fine on the days I am on my feet all day.

No more mini van/station wagon. Now also past the midlife crisis sports car. Give me comfort and a few luxuries.

No more monthly visitor. Halle-fricken-lujah!


Well-Known Member
I turn the big 60 this year! I enjoyed my fifties for all the reasons mentioned in previous posts. I can only think my 60's will be more liberating for my mouth, wardrobe and hair!! LOL

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Been pondering this one. The ONLY thing I enjoy about being 51 is more wisdom and ability to stay calmer under pressure. Both are experience based and I am a slow learner so, that's that.

Everything else about it sucks. Aches, pains, energy, flexibility, endurance, concentration, vision. All worse. I'm a better guitar player than ever but that is a simple function of finally realizing either I was gonna start a band or die some day wishing I had and that took time.

I find nothing attractive about declining.


Lobster Land
Well at 70 nothing bothers me. If someone screws me over they only do it once and they know it. Seeing Great Grandkids, 7, 5 and 1 growing up and their actions provides lots of laughs. My problem of sorts is all the memories of my life no longer being relevant to anyone less myself. In all I've had an exciting and great life and would do it all over again if I could.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I turn the big 60 this year! I enjoyed my fifties for all the reasons mentioned in previous posts. I can only think my 60's will be more liberating for my mouth, wardrobe and hair!! LOL

Just started my second year in the 60's, and all is good. Especially the past 6 years of retirement.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
And you say can things like, "I'm glad people like you are old and will die soon", and not realize "Hey, I'm old too".


Active Member
I'll be 61 in August. I always hated my hair. Too wavy, and frizzy. I semi-retired in 2011, and until that time, I blow-dried, used the curling iron, and was a slave to regular cuts, and coloring. Now, I rarely use the blow-dryer, and get my hair trimmed about once a year, maybe twice. I don't give a crap what people may think about an old lady having hair almost to the crack of her butt! For the first time in my life, I love my hair. My grey? I love that too.


happy to be living
I'll be 61 in August. I always hated my hair. Too wavy, and frizzy. I semi-retired in 2011, and until that time, I blow-dried, used the curling iron, and was a slave to regular cuts, and coloring. Now, I rarely use the blow-dryer, and get my hair trimmed about once a year, maybe twice. I don't give a crap what people may think about an old lady having hair almost to the crack of her butt! For the first time in my life, I love my hair. My grey? I love that too.

Roman, I LOVE your hair! Don't change it!