What is a "white person" store??


Fat Momma

BS Gal said:
Why say "ugly sculptures?" That is their heritage. I collect Indian pottery. Is that ugly? To me, it's not. It's my heritage. Get off your throne.

:huggy: I can't add a single thing to this post. It was perfect well except maybe this.... :buttkick:

Fat Momma

Kittie said:
The are ugly :shrug: even the black people don't buy them.

How do you know what people buy? Define ugly and then tell me the art work you have.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Kittie said:
IMO they are ugly, rude or not.
They are ugly to you. What do you have in your house that states what you are or where you came from? Probably Home Interiors if I'm reading you right.

Fat Momma

BS Gal said:
They are ugly to you. What do you have in your house that states what you are or where you came from? Probably Home Interiors if I'm reading you right.

I was thinking the SAME thing....

here Kittie, Kittie....hey where did she go?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Kittie said:
I know that every time I'm in the mall there is either
A. No one in that store or
B. The people who walk out are empty handed.

I don't have art work, I take pictures and hang them but I'm not particularly fond of sculptures. To me, it's useless clutter.

PS-BS Gal as for them going out of business, they could have since I couldn't find them on the St Charles store list. Also, I don't have anything from Home Interiors.

So, what kind of pictures do you take?

Fat Momma

Kittie said:
I know that every time I'm in the mall there is either
A. No one in that store or
B. The people who walk out are empty handed.

I don't have art work, I take pictures and hang them but I'm not particularly fond of sculptures. To me, it's useless clutter.

PS-BS Gal as for them going out of business, they could have since I couldn't find them on the St Charles store list. Also, I don't have anything from Home Interiors.

Do you have any idea how many gift shops, antiques shops, art shops and more have people go in and walk out with nothing. Art is in the eye of the beholder and if it ain't for you so be it...but to call it ugly is shallow at best. I find it amazing people that hang their own art work is not open to other forms of art.

That art that you are talking about has some meaning to other people, the store may not have anyone in it when you are there but that does not mean the art is anything less.

Fat Momma

Nupe2 said:
But she's such a tard.....I guess that's why she fits in around here! :lmao:

She is such a MPD...no one can be that stupid....Toohot must have figured out to open another account.....

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Kittie said:
Pictures of my kids, my animals, trees, nature, things like that. The same things most people take pictures of but probably alot more pictures.

I would post more but resizing them all would be a pain in my ass.
Well, that's special. That was a nice picture of some green daylilly leaves. I don't think I'd put it on my wall though.


Nothing to see here
Kittie said:
Pictures of my kids, my animals, trees, nature, things like that. The same things most people take pictures of but probably alot more pictures.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/otterzzz/pot.jpg">
I would post more but resizing them all would be a pain in my ass.


BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Kittie said:
I don't care what meaning it has to other people. To me, it is ugly. If someone says my pictures are ugly, my feelings won't get hurt, it is their opinion. Shallow is having your feelings hurt or taking offense to something a stranger says to you. I'm not going to sit here all night and defend my right to have an opinion :yay:
You were not having an "opinion." You were critizing a culture. Your picture you posted was not good. I hate plants now. GET IT?