What is Howard Dean afraid of?



No, again, I'm not trying to convert anyone, just if there are people here that also support Dean I was letting them know they can join me on a local level. It would be nice to drum up votes, but as I have seen on this forum, most of the people here are already decidedly Republican and are looking for fights.

Silence sometimes is golden Ken. Not everyone stays in Attack Mode, politics or no politics. By arguing tooth for tooth, this is the kind of mudslinging that alot of Americans have grown tired of -- the insults, name calling, etc... its time to be grownups know. Stop with the sticks and stone throwing.

You wonder why I don't post anything its because whatever I post, I get about 15 responses that are right winged. Why bother, its like speaking to a wall or a pet rock mentally, and then you need to prepare for the onslaught of right winged rhetoric. Aside from a sparse few here that are democrat, we are outnumbered here. Its like have 3 people going to battle against 100 people. What's the point? But, if anyone does come to their senses and supports Dean, more power to them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Dems, the only reason I might criticize your writing style is because I CAN'T READ IT!!!!!!!

She'd get banned elshwere you that environmental toxicity!

Get her, babay!


I love you honjey!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

support Dean I was letting them know they can join me on a local level.

I love Howard Dean!

I'm voting DEAN!

Who's with ME?????

Did y'all knoiw that Shrub caused me to have half my face turned to pudding today???



Nothing to see here
Originally posted by dems4me
But, if anyone does come to their senses and supports Dean, more power to them.

It condescending comments like that that fire people up, IMHO.


Again, I will have to agree to disagree on the 2000 election results and the exact state of florida out of the other states that this gross mishaps and coincidences that took place there. See, that's all I would do on this forum on most of the posts. I guess my quote on here should be "I agree to disagree with your view and am entitlted to my view just as you are yours."


Well you wanted my opinion and thats my opinion - thats how I feel. I'm entitled to it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
By arguing tooth for tooth, this is the kind of mudslinging that alot of Americans have grown tired of -- the insults, name calling, etc... its time to be grownups know. Stop with the sticks and stone throwing.
You sound just like your boy Howard. :lol: Except he thinks it's okay for him to attack our President and call HIM names.

You wonder why I don't post anything its because whatever I post, I get about 15 responses that are right winged.
Only if you consider facts and truth "right-winged".

Like I said before, there's a perfectly good forum where you can spew liberal rhetoric all day long and not one person will disagree with you. In fact, they don't even let conservative Democrats on that forum. Go tell 'em how much you hate Bush and how he stole the election, masterminded 9-11 and created that earthquake in Iran. You'll be their new darling.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hell yeah baby...

gross mishaps and coincidences that took place there.

BFEE! Stole the tha damn thing they did.



Where's Joe?

Did I tell you I love Joe?

He's like Ken. Losing weight and all...Why, if I was queer....

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Hey man!

Originally posted by Larry Gude
I love you man! I was so happy you made the B day!

You look great! Losing weight?

How's the old lady?


You losing weight?
I had lost some, found it over the holidays.

The "old lady" is doing somewhat better.

Have another shot, you're not quite repeating yourself enough, yet. Make that two shots.


see -- that's just it vrail, you are exaggeratting again, talking about Bush masterminding 9-11, causing the earthquake in Iran (which he would not have because it might have endangered the oil supply) - give me a break. I'm not trying to impress anyone with my writing style and again pudding head or face, we are getting off of the issues. Now, I'm the issue instead of my beliefs. Yes Go Dean, but not in a sarcastic way that it was posted by Larry?
If anyone posts anything on this message board (aside from the usual people) they get put in the frying pan and do not want to return. The weblink that was posted where everyone thinks the same is exactly what I feel y'all are doing in this webcite. You discouarge those from saying how they feel. You bully people themselves, not the political issues. You all bully people right onto something else so you can tyranically control your Republican view. No not as a conspiracy but as a right-wing fear of lossing control of this board issue. Well look you get your way, I'm not posting anymore and will never visit this board. God bless all of you - thanks for making me feel soo welcome.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Hey man!

How's it hangin!?

Where you been????

Hey, you looked great the other night!

Listen, I heard thast Goerge Bush is Satan. We're having a 'Vote for Satan' party...you in????


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
I'm not posting anymore and will never visit this board.
:bawl: :duh:

You discouarge those from saying how they feel.
No we don't. You're as free to say how you feel as I am. It's just I don't run away from a little disagreement and different POV. Neither does Ken or Bruzilla or Tonio or SmallTown or JLab or Frank or Larry or most anyone else who posts in the politics forum.

Hell, I've gone over and thrown myself into the DU lion's den. They banned me after one day because they're afraid of dissenting opinion. And I didn't even cuss them like they cuss each other - calling each other effers and such. All I did was ask why they thought the way they did and BAM! Out I went.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
No, again, I'm not trying to convert anyone, just if there are people here that also support Dean I was letting them know they can join me on a local level. It would be nice to drum up votes, but as I have seen on this forum, most of the people here are already decidedly Republican and are looking for fights.
Then what are you here for? Are you saying you are seeking like-minded folk to simply prop up your own support? One would think that you would be seeking others to bolster support.

Silence sometimes is golden Ken. Not everyone stays in Attack Mode, politics or no politics. By arguing tooth for tooth, this is the kind of mudslinging that alot of Americans have grown tired of -- the insults, name calling, etc... its time to be grownups know. Stop with the sticks and stone throwing.
I don't agree with that, silence is conceding to the argument. Just read through the posts on these pages and you will see many of us sticking to our guns. My point was that you came on here endorsing your favorite and what appeared to me as trying to drum up support for him. To stop at the first sign of opposition simply indicated to me that you might not be as devout as you are claiming.

You wonder why I don't post anything its because whatever I post, I get about 15 responses that are right winged. Why bother, its like speaking to a wall or a pet rock mentally, and then you need to prepare for the onslaught of right winged rhetoric. Aside from a sparse few here that are democrat, we are outnumbered here. Its like have 3 people going to battle against 100 people. What's the point? But, if anyone does come to their senses and supports Dean, more power to them.
Join the fricking club. All of us have been in that boat at one time or another. It didn't make us abandon ship though. I also wouldn't agree with the 3 versus 100 scenario. I see it as just people expressing themselves and sometimes you are in the majority and sometimes you are the minority, such is life.


I'm back -- symantically, I meant I'm not coming back unless people changed their harsh tones for people they don't even know but heaven forbid have different beliefs that do not coincide with those posted by the other members.

What is a bot?

Anyone would be a fool to keep posting and getting slammed. I'm not sadistic. I don't believe in arguing until we both are blue in the face. My blood pressure gets to high. Yes, I'm looking for like-minded people that want to participate instead of gripe about things. Get active for pete sake. Don't just hide behind a computer bashing people because they are not like you and do not think like you. We are all americans here (I'm assuming).

I'm just stating that time and time again, everytime I post, I'm the issue -- not political issues. It's almost as if you all want me to not share this forum because I'm not like-minded with most of you all.

I apologize if I came off too harsh on you vrail. You just appeared to be a bully but then again, I'm just a soft heart - I don't look for confrontation. When confronted, I defend. If I post on here, I feel as though I'm looking for confrontation. Me posting my views on here is the equivalent of me jumping off the roof. Why bother. You can't change anyone's minds that are not open. You can proove all the statistics and proof in the world, but if someone wants to wear the rose tinted glasses for everything, they will keep wearing those glasses.

For example, what issue do you have against Dean? Was it really the madcow thing -- or do you all see him as a loose canon?

The comment about me getting banned elsewhere Larry was not nice and only meant to be hurtful and had nothing directly to do with politics other than the word environment. This is what I am talking about.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'm not sadistic

...you're just ignorant.

You meant "masochist' or however it is spelled.

I gotta be honest dems4, I think it is cool that y'all would pile against the breastworks, flags waving, screaming for blood and get your un-educated asses shot all to hell. Very romantic. Very 'Bloody Angle'. It's a Civil War thing.

Lost cause and all.

I'm sorry. I love you (wo)man. I'm just self medicating because my dentist is a bloody damn SADIST.

A drunk Repug is kicking yer ass.

What, prey tell, will you do when I'm sober???

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Don't expect people to change their tones. It will never happen. You can however make them change their minds, whether you believe it or not. It has been done right here on SOMD.com, I have seen it.

And who is hiding behind a computer screen. Many of us get involved in varying degrees to each of our own choosing. For me at this point there just isn't anything to get excited about.

There are 8 Democratic candidates bashing on one of their own and when they aren't doing that they all are taking pot shots at the President. I have seen very little issue oriented discussion out there, just criticism.


"breastworks, flags waving, screaming for blood and get your un-educated asses shot all to hell. Very romantic. Very 'Bloody Angle'. It's a Civil War thing. "

What the heck are you talking about? Where have the democrats every screamed for blood? We are not the "warmongers" where do you get the idea that democrats are uneducated? and what the heck is a breastwork? Have another - you are getting your party mixed up with mine.

What do you have against Dean or do you just like to grumble about everything and focus on all negatives in life?


And why do you guys think silence is conceding to an argument. It just means I'm moving on and not brooding over something and being a blowhard on everything. Are all of you want to be attorneys or something? you all would get along great here, what ever happend to walk quietly and carry a big stick.