Originally posted by dems4me
For example, what issue do you have against Dean?
That's more like it. Now we can have a decent conversation.
I don't like Dean because he's a liberal with liberal ideology. I'm not a liberal, therefore I don't vote for liberals.
His ugly words against our President - during war time, no less - further alienate me.
He rails about the dumbest things. I think politicians and corporations have a right to hold meetings in private that deal with our national security. Dean sees something sinister in this, even though he did it himself when he was Governor.
He's an anti-war pacifist who obviously has no concept of terrorism and how to deal with it. He thinks we should all join hands and sing Kumbaya by the fire while we celebrate our differences. That's not how it works and 8 years of Clinton showed us that.
I don't like him referring to our President as "the enemy" - especially during war time.
But the big one is the War on Terror. I'm decidedly FOR it and won't vote for any candidate that's not.