What Is Mormonism? A Baptist Answer


I bowl overhand
I don't understand.. If there is no leadership, how do they keep track of who to hate this week??

Is their an informal network of "This is who we hate this week" e-mail ring?


New Member
I don't understand.. If there is no leadership, how do they keep track of who to hate this week??

Is their an informal network of "This is who we hate this week" e-mail ring?
the world keeps track of this list.... we send back and forth emails with all this weeks media information. This way, everyone is kept informed. Neat concept isn't it?

Thanks for the "alot" being "a lot". I always get that wrong and without spell check where would we be. It promotes good spelling on our informal email ring.


New Member
I doubt mormons would want to be at our convention... but are you asking if they have a convention and therefore have "hate" lists? Not sure to either answer, to be honest.

One of the guys that keeps this messenging thread going though used to be a Mormon... maybe he can help you with that question.

i beleive you were adressing one of them with that comment :whistle:

so you lead your flock with this intolerance and claim that it is jesus' word?



New Member
According to your wisdom yes. I didn't know you were xmormon??? I was referring to someone else.

i dont know how you can claim to know anything considering your reading disability.

you were adressing your comment to Bob, i beleive he has some mormon history, i may be wrong, i dont use that kind of info to judge people so its not important to me.

I have mormons in the family, not quite the same as being Xmormon, but believe it or not i was raised christain, although you wouldn't think so since we were episcopals, i'm sure you can find fault with our interpretaion and deem us less than christian.


New Member
i dont know how you can claim to know anything considering your reading disability.

you were adressing your comment to Bob, i beleive he has some mormon history, i may be wrong, i dont use that kind of info to judge people so its not important to me.

I have mormons in the family, not quite the same as being Xmormon, but believe it or not i was raised christain, although you wouldn't think so since we were episcopals, i'm sure you can find fault with our interpretaion and deem us less than christian.
Little testy? No who I am and this is your best???

If you want to cut on Episcopals... be my guest, not my interest. But thanks for assuming.


New Member
Little testy? No who I am and this is your best???

If you want to cut on Episcopals... be my guest, not my interest. But thanks for assuming.

if you would read my posts, you would see that i haven't 'cut' on anyone's religion, just the intolerance you are showing toward all that are not yours.

and i dont know who you are. others have indicated you are a minister or perhaps lead a local baptist church, until you make that claim yourself i will not label you as such.

and it would matter anyway, i dont judge people by their religious beliefs, or lack there of.


New Member
if you would read my posts, you would see that i haven't 'cut' on anyone's religion, just the intolerance you are showing toward all that are not yours.

and i dont know who you are. others have indicated you are a minister or perhaps lead a local baptist church, until you make that claim yourself i will not label you as such.

and it would matter anyway, i dont judge people by their religious beliefs, or lack there of.
Could I ask you then to be tolerant to me? I have stated on numerous accounts that these are my beliefs. So what if they are my beliefs? This does not infringe on anyone.

Joseph Smith was told ALL the churches were wrong (my paraphrase there)... does that mean he became intolerant? Of course not. It meant he was convicted to not be part of the existing churches - i.e. Christian churches.

The word intolerance is often misused. A person with beliefs (beliefs with convictions) will at times by default disagree with what others think. Intolerance is telling people to stop being mormons or else... intolerance is flying planes into buildings for the name of god... intolerance is the "Church" conducting Crusades killing in the name of God.

Stating one's beliefs in an open forum like this, is NOT intolerance. Nor is it bigotry... simply beliefs stated. Telling people who to vote for is not intolerance or bigotry - it is quite candidly politics. Do pro-abortion foundations tell their constituency who is and who is not pro-abortion? Of course they do. To say Romney is a Mormon and we don't agree with his doctrine is not intolerant... it is simply what we say based on our belief. Does it stop Romney? Of course it doesn't.


New Member
since you obviously know, which is the true christian sect?

I am as dumb as a bag of hammers.
But I believe in Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone) as another stated earlier.

I believe Christs own words when he said I am the way the truth and the life and no man cometh unto the father but by me.

So for Me it's Christianity and everything else is false, donominational differences mean little as long as we all agree on essential doctrine.

(1) the nature and character of God (He is eternal, triune, holy)
(2) the nature and character of Christ (He is eternal, sinless, virgin-born, has all authority in heaven and earth)
(3) Jesus’ work on the cross (that He truly died and rose again, that His blood paid for our sins)
(4) the completeness, inerrancy, and infallibility of the Bible. That it was spoken to men by the Holy Spirit. That as Peter said, “prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carries along by the Holy Spirit.”
(5) our salvation (by faith and not works, we cannot “earn” it, Jesus is the ONLY way)
(6) He is going to physically, visibly return one day.


New Member
This may need to be a new thread, but how do you know the Bible is true? what leads one to believe its inspired by Gods words?
Well for one Scripture validates its self, at times it sounds as if in one place its saying the opsite of something stated else where but thats when you have to do some carefull study and it will wind up vaildating it's self.
Examples though there are number prophecies fullfilled in scripture that validate it. I think there are at least 360 but maybe more I cant recall. Here are just a few reasons, I have tons more but need to run but if your interested will dig them up for you!
Plus theres always Creation and your Concious.
Think about this the Bible is the # best selling book of all time and probablly the least read but what drives people to the word of God?
Whats that little voice we all have they say we may not believe but there has to be more?
History vaildates it with non Christian historians like Josephus and others that lived durning that century Interestingly enough one or two were Roman so for them as non believers to validate Christ was an afront to Cesar who proclaimed himself a God and demanded worship.

The Bible Stands Alone
Compiled by Jordan and Justin Drake

In 1889 a schoolteacher told a ten-year-old boy, "You will never amount to very much." That boy was Albert Einstein. In 1954 a music manager told a young singer, "You ought to go back to driving a truck." That singer was Elvis Presley. In 1962 a record company told a group of singers, "We don’t like your sound. Groups with guitars are definitely on their way out." They said that to the Beatles. Man is prone to make mistakes. Those who reject the Bible should take the time to look at the evidence before they come to a verdict.

1. It is unique in its continuity.
If just 10 people today were picked who were from the same place, born around the same time, spoke the same language, and made about the same amount of money, and were asked to write on just one controversial subject, they would have trouble agreeing with each other. But the Bible stands alone. It was written over a period of 1,600 years by more than 40 writers from all walks of life. Some were fishermen; some were politicians. Others were generals or kings, shepherds or historians. They were from three different continents, and wrote in three different languages. They wrote on hundreds of controversial subjects yet they wrote with agreement and harmony. They wrote in dungeons, in temples, on beaches, and on hillsides, during peacetime and during war. Yet their words sound like they came from the same source. So even though 10 people today couldn’t write on one controversial subject and agree, God picked 40 different people to write the Bible—and it stands the test of time.

2. It is unique in its circulation.
The invention of the printing press in 1450 made it possible to print books in large quantities. The first book printed was the Bible. Since then, the Bible has been read by more people and printed more times than any other book in history. By 1930, over one billion Bibles had been distributed by Bible societies around the world. By 1977, Bible societies alone were printing over 200 million Bibles each year, and this doesn’t include the rest of the Bible publishing companies. No one who is interested in knowing the truth can ignore such an important book.

3. It is unique in its translation.
The Bible has been translated into over 1,400 languages. No other book even comes close.

4. It is unique in its survival.
In ancient times, books were copied by hand onto manuscripts which were made from parchment and would decay over time. Ancient books are available today only because someone made copies of the originals to preserve them. For example, the original writings of Julius Caesar are no longer around. We know what he wrote only by the copies we have. Only 10 copies still exist, and they were made 1,000 years after he died. Only 600 copies of Homer’s The Iliad exist, made 1,300 years after the originals were written. No other book has as many copies of the ancient manuscripts as the Bible. In fact, there are over 24,000 copies of New Testament manuscripts, some written within 35 years of the writer’s death.

5. It is unique in withstanding attack.
No other book has been so attacked throughout history as the Bible. In A.D. 300 the Roman emperor Diocletian ordered every Bible burned because he thought that by destroying the Scriptures he could destroy Christianity. Anyone caught with a Bible would be executed. But just 25 years later, the Roman emperor Constantine ordered that 50 perfect copies of the Bible be made at government expense. The French philosopher Voltaire, a skeptic who destroyed the faith of many people, boasted that within 100 years of his death, the Bible would disappear from the face of the earth. Voltaire died in 1728, but the Bible lives on. The irony of history is that 50 years after his death, the Geneva Bible Society moved into his former house and used his printing presses to print thousands of Bibles.

The Bible has also survived criticism. No book has been more attacked for its accuracy. And yet archeologists are proving every year that the Bible’s detailed descriptions of historic events are correct. See Matthew 4:4 and 1 Peter 1:25 footnotes.
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I bowl overhand
I don't need a list... but thank you.

You probably have no idea that a Baptist church is "autonomous"... but you might want to find out that Baptist don't have a "head leadership body" like most other religions. Local baptist churches are lead by the sole leadership of Jesus Christ and His Spirit. .

Being local and autonomous, where does the "tithe" go? Do you get to pocket the entire congregations tithe?

I mean I've seen the books of some churches, and their tithes can come to THOUSANDS of dollars a week, and you're telling me/us that you don't have to share this money with anyone else??

What a scam..

I think I'm starting to see the light, I can feel the spirit of Jesus upon me.. I'm going to convert and becmoe a pastor of a Baptist church.. Hallelujah!!

(Please be genoruous, but don't forget your Visa! The Church of Bob does not accept American Express!!)


I bowl overhand
I got one more gripe..

The baptists spend a lot of time picketing, protesting, and discrediting other churches.

Why aren't they policing their own?

Why haven't we heard a SINGLE baptist, or a single local autonomous baptist church protest the Westboro Bapitst Churh?? Where are the Baptist counter protesters?? Or do you believe in the same, you just think it wiser to be silent about it??

Silence is implied consent..


New Member
Being local and autonomous, where does the "tithe" go? Do you get to pocket the entire congregations tithe?

I mean I've seen the books of some churches, and their tithes can come to THOUSANDS of dollars a week, and you're telling me/us that you don't have to share this money with anyone else??

What a scam..

I think I'm starting to see the light, I can feel the spirit of Jesus upon me.. I'm going to convert and becmoe a pastor of a Baptist church.. Hallelujah!!

(Please be genoruous, but don't forget your Visa! The Church of Bob does not accept American Express!!)
Being local and autonomous, where does the "tithe" go? Do you get to pocket the entire congregations tithe?

Autonomous means the members under the leadership of Christ leads the church. Nice try on the "tithe"... You know that isn't true but in your hate for baptists you write lies to make people think this is the way it is.

I mean I've seen the books of some churches, and their tithes can come to THOUSANDS of dollars a week, and you're telling me/us that you don't have to share this money with anyone else??

We do "share" as you say. Do you know what "cooperative" means, i.e. "cooperative program". We pay bills, salaries, and missionary work... The majority goes to spreading the gospel as you already knew but were trying to make us look bad in your writing. Not all churches believe the same, and not all churches are true to following Jesus Christ... just because some do doesn't mean all do. You should know that since you criticize us for saying things.

What a scam..
Thanks for sharing your opinion.

I think I'm starting to see the light, I can feel the spirit of Jesus upon me.. I'm going to convert and becmoe a pastor of a Baptist church.. Hallelujah!!
God will forgive you if you desire to ask for His forgiveness.

(Please be genoruous, but don't forget your Visa! The Church of Bob does not accept American Express!!)

Spirit of Jesus means you change from "bob" to Jesus' attitude in life. Guess your confessing someone else as your "Father". You can always go back to your roots and be a mormon again...


New Member
I got one more gripe..

The baptists spend a lot of time picketing, protesting, and discrediting other churches.

Why aren't they policing their own?

Why haven't we heard a SINGLE baptist, or a single local autonomous baptist church protest the Westboro Bapitst Churh?? Where are the Baptist counter protesters?? Or do you believe in the same, you just think it wiser to be silent about it??

Silence is implied consent..
Baptist are autonomous... they can choose what they want.