I'm not realy fluent on Mormonism, i've read about the persecution they faced (for their beliefs) and its another example of Chritian Hypocrisy. But then i understood Mormons believe the Book of Mormon is another scripture of Jesus Christ to the Bible, which they also believe to be the word of God
But to say they are not Christian and that Jesus is not recognized as a deity (God) is laughable.
When i go to
Mormon.org (that's a Mormon website btw) the first thing you see is Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Seems they have the Christian part covered.
So then i think, well maybe they believe Jesus was a propeht or apostle, and not actually the Son of God, so I click the Link that says
Jesus Christ : Our Savior.
Theres all kinds of verses about Jesus Christ being the Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Guess they have the Whole Jesus Deity/God thing covered too.
Maybe you should check out what Mormons say they believe, instead of getting your information secondhand? :shrug:
Or if you want you can continue to make incorrect claims about a belief that isnt yours?