What is the worst



Baby oil, iodine and the blazing sun.

Sun-in was a close second.

Brown face and strawberry hair. I thought I was :hot:



New Member
Wenchy said:
Baby oil, iodine and the blazing sun.

Sun-in was a close second.

Brown face and strawberry hair. I thought I was :hot:


:roflmao: I did Panama Jack in Florida on my pasty white skin :yay: Wound up in the hospital with an IV :lmao:


Nothing, I am naturally beautiful! :diva:

Okay, seriously, about 5 years ago I decided that I wanted the cute maroon highlights that all the other dark haired girls were getting. It was a disaster. Had to go back and have the salon fix it twice.


curiouser and curiouser
Coloring my hair. Up until this year, I was convinced that I didn't have the coloring for dark hair, so I spent lots of money and damaged my hair to keep it lighter. I actually really like my dark hair now, so hopefully I'm past that. :ohwell:


Mikeinsmd said:
When I was bigtime into the gym, I shaved my chest. :killingme
Ewww... You got the razor bumps didn't ya? :poorbaby:

Years ago I dated a guy who was all into the gym and :)hot:) buff... Well anyway one morning after he stayed the night he asked if he could use my razor... Little did I know that the mofo was gonna shave from head to toe with my damn razor and girly leg shaving cream! I was PISSED! I learned a valuable lesson from that one. If a guy asks if he can use your razor, RUN!!!! :killingme


My Sweetest Boy
Wenchy said:
Baby oil, iodine and the blazing sun.

:yeahthat: I had a boyfriend who was what they call a "black irish," his skin was so olive. He told me that was the best way to get a tan. Of course, that was the worst thing for red-haired, freckle-faced me. I thought I was going to die.


New Member
Angel said:
Ewww... You got the razor bumps didn't ya? :poorbaby:

Years ago I dated a guy who was all into the gym and :)hot:) buff... Well anyway one morning after he stayed the night he asked if he could use my razor... Little did I know that the mofo was gonna shave from head to toe with my damn razor and girly leg shaving cream! I was PISSED! I learned a valuable lesson from that one. If a guy asks if he can use your razor, RUN!!!! :killingme
No, it was fine if I shaved it every shower but when I grew it back..... THAT was a biatch!!! :faint:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
On that note...Nair. I'm allergic. I didn't realize until 75% of my leg was covered in it. :bawl: I was 15. :lmao:

Chicklet pulled Nair out of the medicine chest this evening after her shower and asked how to use it. She was going to put it on like deoderant. :killingme