What is the worst

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
jaybeeztoo said:
PAIN. I cried it hurt so much :bawl:
:huggy: I did too. I don't' think they make those anymore. It was supposed to be less painful each time you tried it. I gave up after try #1 and in the trash it went.


In My Opinion
see, heres the problem.
you went and tried to take the hair off like a woman.

next time be a man and use rubbing alcohole and a bic lighter.


bcp said:
see, heres the problem.
you went and tried to take the hair off like a woman.

next time be a man and use rubbing alcohole and a bic lighter.

:yeahthat: :wimp:


jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I remember as a kid being teased because I had dark hair on my arms, so I shaved it off. :yikes: My mom was SO not pleased. :lmao:


Pitty Party
jazz lady said:
I remember as a kid being teased because I had dark hair on my arms, so I shaved it off. :yikes: My mom was SO not pleased. :lmao:

I was so embarrased not having any hair.. :shrug: Damn Indian's


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I used to be severely bleached blond back in the day. I think I already told you guys how I konked myself out washing my hair. That's about it.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
unixpirate said:
I was so embarrased not having any hair.. :shrug: Damn Indian's

Many Japanese are the same way. Some find it a blessing while others say it's a curse. :shrug:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I used to be severely bleached blond back in the day. I think I already told you guys how I konked myself out washing my hair. That's about it.

That story is still funny as shiat. :lmao:



Sitting out in the sun for hours because I wanted a tan like my friends. Only to turn myself a dark red sunburn, and get an IV because I was so dehyrdated.


On my 30th birthday getting really tired of being a blonde, so I dyed my hair a dark auburn red. Than went in the sun the next day and my hair turned pink from the bleaching of the sun.


Cleopatra Jones
cattitude said:
:yeahthat: I had a boyfriend who was what they call a "black irish," his skin was so olive. He told me that was the best way to get a tan. Of course, that was the worst thing for red-haired, freckle-faced me. I thought I was going to die.

I have one of those. :huggy:

Sweet 16

My best friend and I cut our eyelashes in Kindergarten. But that wasn't so much a beauty thing -- more like a, "Cool! We know how to use scissors!" thing. Other than that -- Sun-In, poodle perm and over-plucking eyebrows.


professional daydreamer
I tried to go red a few years ago. what I ended up with was a beautiful shade of carrot orange, fried hair.