WHAT is there to do here???


New Member
*sigh* Alrighty guys, I'm gonna go feed the munchkin and see what we can figure out for tomorrow (with the crappy weather UGH!). Thank you all for the replies. I'll be back in a little while to see if there are anymore suggestions!


snow_angel2000 said:
*sigh* Alrighty guys, I'm gonna go feed the munchkin and see what we can figure out for tomorrow (with the crappy weather UGH!). Thank you all for the replies. I'll be back in a little while to see if there are anymore suggestions!

if you really want some punishment ther is hyper space :lmao:


morganj614 said:
Mikeinsmd recommends Chuckie Cheese :yay: How about the Calvert Marine Museum? Going to Michael's and making some craft projects?

Crafts are great entertainment. I usuall let the 5yo have the nail gun and the 8yo cuts the boards with the chainsaw :lmao:


New Member
The playground in Leonardtown next to the Governmental Center, Dorsey Park has a nice playground too.

Hiking/biking trails at Greenwell State Park. There's beach access and a pier as well.

Maybe a drive on Rt. 5 in the Loveville area, last weekend the Amish were plowing fields w/ their draft teams.

Port Discovery (children's museum) in Baltimore.


Go Braves!
Drive up to Baltimore for the day! It's a straight shot:yay: Go to Port Discovery or the Aquarium!


Natural History Museum. What kid doesn't like going there...

Air and Space Museum. Planes and space who doesn't like that.

Pax museum outside gate 1. Most boys like planes and stuff although this won't take that long.

If you go to DC I suggest taking the metro. Much easier than driving in and trying to park in town.


wileyCoyote said:
Natural History Museum. What kid doesn't like going there...

Air and Space Museum. Planes and space who doesn't like that.

Pax museum outside gate 1. Most boys like planes and stuff although this won't take that long.

If you go to DC I suggest taking the metro. Much easier than driving in and trying to park in town.

and the kid will love getting on the metro

when I was in dc Saturday I almost had to take the 5 yo on a metro ride around the bloc just so she could see the subway. Then I told her the truck was just around the corner and she said "daddy i am ready to go home"
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New Member
maxima87 said:
It is right off Great Mills Rd in the Millison Plaza.

Awesome! Thank you - he LOVES things like this! :-D You :larry: rock lol

To everyone else, thank you soooooooooooooo much for the ideas and suggestions! Keep em coming if you can think of em lol he's hard to keep busy!


New Member
snow_angel2000 said:
Hi everyone. As I'm sure you all know, it's spring break, and well, we're stuck at home not knowing wtf to do! Two adults and a 6 yr old....what to do....what to do. Any ideas?? Please help!
All the museums in DC are free! So is the Zoo in Dc. You also have the Aquarium in Baltimore and the discovery zone there as well.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Check out the Community Calendar - http://somd.com/calendar - there's always a ton of stuff going on.

Also, down at the bottom of this page you'll find links to all sections of Southern Maryland Online, including entertainment stuff and parks (under Sports).
maxima87 said:
It is right off Great Mills Rd in the Millison Plaza.
I didn't know about this place either, awesome! I'm trying to plan a few things to do for a week this summer when older brother is away at BSA camp, so the younger one (7) doesn't drive me too nuts not knowing what to do by himself...