WHAT is there to do here???

Richard Cranium

New Member
Get that boy a fishin pole and take him on the base. Buy some crickets from the Tackle Box. The crappie are hittin hard in that lake by gate 3, some nice big ones in the corners, under trees, and near the submerged tree by the boat launch.


New Member
Suggestions from Abe Simpson...

Grandpa suggests, “Hitch up your pants, air whittle, make friends with a Chinese man.” An Asian man walks into the living room and tells Grandpa that he shouldn’t have let the nursing home. Grandpa replies, “Thank you Ping Pong.” The man answers, “My name is Craig.” Grandpa facetiously agrees, “Sure it is.”


New batting cage in Prince Frederick and Putt Putt golf.
(Not sure of golf is ready.)
Cross from Co#2 Fire Department.


New Member
You guys are AWESOME! Thank you so much!

We went to the JumpYard today and had a BLAST for like 3 hours lol Great place for kids 2-10 y/o and the owner's really nice. Highly suggested! Went to the museum today too and checked out all the planes and stuff! Thank you all again!


Active Member
snow_angel2000 said:
Hi everyone. As I'm sure you all know, it's spring break, and well, we're stuck at home not knowing wtf to do! Two adults and a 6 yr old....what to do....what to do. Any ideas?? Please help!

I find hookers and blow help the time just fly by.