What is Your Hair Color

Your natural hair color is

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aka Mrs. Giant
I already did eye color I think. No it may have only been on blue eyes due to the genetic mutation. Hmmm. Let me do a search.
Nope. It was just a conversation. I should do a poll. I'll pull the Martin Schult scale of colors and hopefully there won't be any confusion.

I picked brown you can decide if I belong somewhere else!
I love you. :flowers: Unless you insist, I'm making you black haired. Kwillia really is a burnette and Wenchy, I'm not sure either way. I need to observe her closer. :eyebrow:


Soul Probe
I too voted "other". I was born with black hair and then was told it all fell out overnight when I was a baby. After that my hair grew back dark brown. :crazy:

I have two children who were born with black hair that fell out and grew in blond, one who is so blond it's nearly white. :lol:


curiouser and curiouser
I have two children who were born with black hair that fell out and grew in blond, one who is so blond it's nearly white. :lol:
I was born with zero hair, then it was wispy and blonde, now I have a head of super thick brown hair. :lol: It was dirty blonde/sandy brown until I had my son and now it's more of a medium-dark brown with natural golden highlights. I haven't colored my hair in years so it's 100% natural with a few grays sprinkled in.


Happy Camper
Before Mother Nature so graciously began highlighting my hair for me, it was red. Still have lots of reddish highlights, but more and more gray arriving daily! :lol:


USMC 1983-1995
I went with my 21 yo hair color - after growing into 'me'. Auburn - Medium brown with red & blonde highlights . It was such a beautiful color - now it's dirtwater brown & grey.

getting older sucks.............


Active Member
I also went with what my hair color was when I was 20-ish: towards the darker side of the browns.
Somewhere in my mid- to late-twenties, I noticed the grays, so I've been coloring since then (about 20 years - Yikes!) I've decided that when I hit the big 5-0, I'm going to stop coloring. (Maybe I'll do what one previous poster said and just shave my hair off and let it regrow, natural-colored!)


(maybe not....)


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Only my hairdresser knows for sure. She mixes this & that, highlights, lowlights and it's what I have now. Took her 4 years to talk me into it! :yay:

I was originally a medium brown with reddish/blonde highlights in the summer from the sun. I've used Revlon's Medium Golden Brown for years when I do my own color.
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happy to be living
Most of my life, I worked outdoors and my hair got bleached by the sun. My natural hair color is brown and I have never ever colored it. Even as I am getting some gray, I doubt I ever will color it.
ALL of my siblings went gray young- then again they all had kids. Maybe I did do something right!