What makes a neighbor crazy?


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I have alot of neighbors, every now and then, they act weird, but I don't complain or post it on here cause it is no problem worth posting about. But when it is 3 am and your dog is pacing the floor and you think it has to potty, but it turns out it heard crazy dave rolling around on the ground and crawling, along with trying to get into the house, and there are other people on the forum who know who he is, your gonna notice. I don't look out the window all day, and I think people making assumptions like that are clueless and too lazy to find out what the story is. I will post about the next episode cause wether I like it or not, this creep is going to do something, to try to come in the house or yell somethng, and yes, I do plan to tell him to stay the hell away from me the next time he comes to my door, When I am minding my own damn bussiness watching tv, painting or looking through my jewelry box. That is my past time, not looking out the f-ing window.

I feel your pain! I don't have it as bad as you cuz I don't live next to this idiot (THANK GOD!!!) but i do have to deal with him on an almost daily basis! I just wish there was something that someone could do to control this crazy nut house!


New Member
As high as he has been in public lately, I think it is a matter of time before he showns up at your workplace like that. Scary thought.


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As high as he has been in public lately, I think it is a matter of time before he showns up at your workplace like that. Scary thought.

everytime he shows up he's high! It is so annoying! He's always scaring other customers but boss lady won't let us say anything because she's afraid he may do something.


New Member
Yeah, hubbs told me he is the kind of person, that for instance if he asks you to help him pull his car out of a hole. and you accidently damage it, he would sue you.


New Member
So what if im freaky, at least i don't bother my neighbors. I think he is a ticking time bomb, thank God he doesn't drive anymore. That night he was crawling on the ground, he got up and then fell backwards with such an icky thud, how he got up after that, I don't know, HE was FREEEEEEAAAKY!:evil:


New Member
So what if im freaky, at least i don't bother my neighbors. I think he is a ticking time bomb, thank God he doesn't drive anymore. That night he was crawling on the ground, he got up and then fell backwards with such an icky thud, how he got up after that, I don't know, HE was FREEEEEEAAAKY!:evil:

You should let him in...... Both of you crazy's can smoke some ciggy's together. match made in hell.....


New Member
I would if he offered me a new state of the art cellphone. He gives people a new phone, and then takes it back after a few days. I would keep it though. I think he is gone though, havent seen or heard him in 3 or so days. His renters are there, and seem to be ok people.