what new stores are coming?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
From Olive Garden website

FastCarsSpeed said:
I thought I had heard that Lusby was getting an olive garden.

Where will you be building future Olive Garden restaurants?
As of April 2007, we plan to build new restaurants in the locations listed below. Actual locations, the number of new restaurants, and opening dates are projected and are subject to change. If your city is not listed, we hope to be coming soon. Please check back in July 2007 for an updated list.

Future Locations:
Folsom, CA (April 2007)
Westridge, AZ (April 2007)
North McAllen, TX (April 2007)
Nampa, ID (April 2007)
Temecula, CA (May 2007)
Aurora, CO (May 2007)
Brighton, MI (May 2007)
Dorchester, MA (June 2007)
Memphis, TN (July 2007)
Happy Valley, AZ (August 2007)
Rome, GA (August 2007)
Rogers, AR (August 2007)
Plymouth, MA (August 2007)


New Member
new stores

Who cares about new stores, lets get affordable housing down here for people who want to buy a house and start families and stuff. You see what has happened in calvert county. there is no affordable housing.


Lem Putt
FastCarsSpeed said:
I thought I had heard that Lusby was getting an olive garden.
I heard it third hand. Someone that works at a bank told my wife that her bank was providing the financing to build the Olive Garden. Since they have not broken ground yet, it would not show up on their website yet.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
MMDad said:
I heard it third hand. Someone that works at a bank told my wife that her bank was providing the financing to build the Olive Garden. Since they have not broken ground yet, it would not show up on their website yet.
My hairdresser told me that her realtor told her that they are putting an Olive Garden in on the corner of 235 and Old Rolling Road on the corner in front of K-Mart, next to the jewelry store, but I don't know if that's true.


Salt Life


BS Gal said:
My hairdresser told me that her realtor told her that they are putting an Olive Garden in on the corner of 235 and Old Rolling Road on the corner in front of K-Mart, next to the jewelry store, but I don't know if that's true.

Well I *heard* Olive Garden was going to replace Lone Star.


Main Streeter
I *heard* Olive Garden is going to go in the old Micky Dees building next to Big Lots in LP City.


Folks, as of yesterday, there have been no submissions to Planning & Zoning, concerning an Olive Garden in St. Mary’s. Not even a concept site plan which is the very first step of the process. I’m on the distribution for P&Z applications that have been submitted and, so far, no Olive Garden. If one is being planned, it’s in the infancy stage.


Resident PIA
awpitt said:
I *heard* Olive Garden is going to go in the old Micky Dees building next to Big Lots in LP City.


Folks, as of yesterday, there have been no submissions to Planning & Zoning, concerning an Olive Garden in St. Mary’s. Not even a concept site plan which is the very first step of the process. I’m on the distribution for P&Z applications that have been submitted and, so far, no Olive Garden. If one is being planned, it’s in the infancy stage.
Someone I know CALLED the corporate headquarters for Olive Garden to try and confirm all the rumors. NO, there are no new Olive Gardens PLANNED for Southern Maryland (let alone St. Mary's Co.)


awpitt said:
I *heard* Olive Garden is going to go in the old Micky Dees building next to Big Lots in LP City.


Folks, as of yesterday, there have been no submissions to Planning & Zoning, concerning an Olive Garden in St. Mary’s. Not even a concept site plan which is the very first step of the process. I’m on the distribution for P&Z applications that have been submitted and, so far, no Olive Garden. If one is being planned, it’s in the infancy stage.

But I'm sure you'll be happy to tell us what is coming, right?

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
FastCarsSpeed said:
I thought I had heard that Lusby was getting an olive garden.

All my needs would be covered with a Hooters in Solomons, A Sonic in Lusby and next door to that an Auto Parts store. :yahoo:


Resident PIA
High EGT said:
All my needs would be covered with a Hooters in Solomons, A Sonic in Lusby and next door to that an Auto Parts store. :yahoo:
More then likely you'll get one out of three.
All you'll need to do after you buy your parts is to find someplace for lunch.


Well-Known Member
male20674 said:
Who cares about new stores, lets get affordable housing down here for people who want to buy a house and start families and stuff. You see what has happened in calvert county. there is no affordable housing.

what's affordable varies from person to person; i moved here and got more than what i had or could have gotten up the road--so i am :jameo: :dance: :banana: :getdown: i'm getting use to going out and finding "stuff" to do and don't mind driving to get to some of the shopping areas i like


Well-Known Member
Chain729 said:
200K isn't what I would call "affordable."
i found alot out on the internet yesterday, but then again affordability varies from person to person; do these prices even exist anymore??