What should I do?


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
They're not going to do that :rolleyes: They're going to do like Bob said and toss it in a bin and forget about it.
Then in 30 days, the cash goes into their doughnut and coffee fund.


I bowl overhand
citysherry said:
Well, this is what I've found out so far, one of his parents is military - retired Lt.Col. Air Force...I wasn't given this info over the phone but the voice on the other end said re-read the card to me. In any event, this guy's parent will be contacted and given my info.
I guess we should have asked.. what color military ID is it?


I bowl overhand
CandyRain said:
EXACTLY and then the onus is on the owner and the responsibility is off of the finder. If she keeps it, she'll keep calling and worrying and wondering. At least if she gives it to the authorities, she can have peace of mind that she did the right thing. :yay:
Well I guess it's all on perception.. do you want to be rid of the responsibility or do you want the rightful owner to get it back? Which person would you prefer to have found yours, if you lost your wallet or purse?

I would hope somebody like CitySherry finds my wallet if I ever lose it again.


New Member
itsbob said:
Then in 30 days, the cash goes into their doughnut and coffee fund.

My cousin found a bank bag while working. It was undera bush and had been there for a few years by the look & condition of the money. He turned it over to the police. I can't remember how long they held the money, but he got all of it because it was never claimed. They didn't keep any of the $. He counted it before he gave it to them. (Was a couple thousand $)


New Member
itsbob said:
Nope, how would the owner know where to look for it at.

I think she had the right idea of finding a phone number, and would try again.

Google the name and address see if you get anymore information..

I (having lost my wallet last year) would be forever grateful if someone looked for and found me so I could retrieve my wallet.

For one thing, apparently we have an honest person here that wants to return the wallet complete with the cash to the owner.. not everyone (including cops) is that honest. I would trust the cash to nobody else.

ANd KUDO's to you for trying to do the right thing.

:yeahthat: Every word that itsbob said.


New Member
citysherry said:
Well, this is what I've found out so far, one of his parents is military - retired Lt.Col. Air Force...I wasn't given this info over the phone but the voice on the other end said re-read the card to me. In any event, this guy's parent will be contacted and given my info.

Cool. I guess I should have asked if it was an active-duty ID, dependant, etc...

Oh well, sounds like you've done all you can do. Wait for a phone call.

Personally, if someone honest (such as citysherry, here) found my wallet, I'd much rather have that person hold on to it and "look for me". It doesn't take much. Maybe leave your contact details at the security office at the mall...the local police, a credit card company, the military base....etc. That way, they know where to track the wallet down.

:yay: Good on ya for being one of the honest ones!


I say hold it till you find the owner yourself. Now it won't be that hard to do since you have a military ID. There might be a post locator online for Ft. Belvoir. By the way any post that is of any size has a contingintcy of all branches of service on it. GOOD LUCK! and GOOD ON YA!
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Would THIS face lie?
I know, I know, PM me for my address and send it to me and I'll do all the leg work for ya....I'll find that rascal if it's the last thing I do...How much money was it again? :whistle:


PREMO Member
I thought I lost my wallet this past Saturday, but the wife found it when we got home from dinner.

And I was planning on paying the whole tap, including the people that were with us.

Good thing I lost it for a little bit of time, eh.


I Need a Beer
FYI - I got a phone call from the mother of the lost wallet owner last night - she was responding to my original voice mail on their home phone...she had not yet been contacted by anyone from Fort Belvoir. They had taken a short family vacation before their son had to return to UVA today! They are meeting my husband (has today off work) to get the wallet on their way to drop sonny boy off at school.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

I'll bet they were tickled pink that an honest person found the wallet! YAY for CitySherry!!!



I bowl overhand
citysherry said:
FYI - I got a phone call from the mother of the lost wallet owner last night - she was responding to my original voice mail on their home phone...she had not yet been contacted by anyone from Fort Belvoir. They had taken a short family vacation before their son had to return to UVA today! They are meeting my husband (has today off work) to get the wallet on their way to drop sonny boy off at school.
VERY cool!!

She should be rewarded for her efforts, and for being a model forumite..


citysherry said:
FYI - I got a phone call from the mother of the lost wallet owner last night - she was responding to my original voice mail on their home phone...she had not yet been contacted by anyone from Fort Belvoir. They had taken a short family vacation before their son had to return to UVA today! They are meeting my husband (has today off work) to get the wallet on their way to drop sonny boy off at school.

:clap::clap: Good job.......

:smack: for having to ask what to do.


I bowl overhand
I think if we start now, we should be able to raise funds from voluntary donations from fellow forumites, to be able to buy her one corona at the pub!!


Football addict
itsbob said:
OK, he lost his wallet.. does he know WHEN he lost it?? If he doesn't know when he lost it, would he know where he lost it? Do you check the State Police, the County or the local popo??

It will be much easier for the wallet loser to find her then the whichever police dept she may choose to drop it off at.

I was in a different county when I realized I lost my wallet.. I THINK I know where I lost it, but not entirely sure. It could have been in any of 5 towns and two counties between two different gas stations..
Wouldn't the po po contact you?:eyebrow: