What Songs Do You Wanna Hear At The Bar?



don't they just have the juke box for country or do they actualy have bands ?? I have only been in there a couple of times ..

Last night they had a DJ. He kinda sucked, but he played lots of country music. Mainly whatever the ppl asked him to play.


What Songs Do You Wanna... 01-20-2008 11:32 PM were u the girl with the red hair dancing at roses last night?

:killingme No jacka$$. You have me confused with the other Angel.

Besides I didn't say there was anything wrong with going to a bar. I went through my bar phase and had a great time. I guess I should take back what I said before because I still go to the bars occaisionally to meet up with friends and catch up on old times. Also if I'm at a bar and I want to dance I want to hear dance music. :cheers:
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pretty black roses
It really depends on my mood, but for the most part, give me rock :dude:

Avenged Sevenfold, Eighteen Visions, Papa Roach, Rob Zombie, Ozzy Osbourne, ect. Hell even some 80's hair band music isn't so bad :lol:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
When you go to see a local band play at a local bar, What songs would you like to hear? Do you wanna listen to what's on the radio now, or are you looking for songs of Yester-Year like 80's rock / Metal, 50's / Doo-Wop, Disco, or more what?

If I were to go to see a local band play, it would have to be someone I'm supporting (friend/relative) or someone who has something new to offer. Be it creative, crowd-inclusive, gimmick, schtick, what-evah, I would like to see the songs being played - as I'll listen to most everything. Entertain me. .02


New Member
Either Freebird, Sweet Home Alabama (don't know why...I like it for some reason), or anything to do with drinking. Someone played me a song called '15 Beers Ago'...pretty cool song.:yahoo:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

When you go to see a local band play at a local bar, What songs would you like to hear? Do you wanna listen to what's on the radio now, or are you looking for songs of Yester-Year like 80's rock / Metal, 50's / Doo-Wop, Disco, or more what?

...music. They make jukeboxes for everything else.