All bets are off if the person is on PCP, and a cop has no way of knowing that until they start fighting. By then, it's already out of control.
Wasn't one of the items mentioned - that Floyd insisted on putting himself on the ground?
This whole story keeps turning into something that the original "image" contradicts - that of a LEO with his knee on the neck of a man face down claiming he can't breathe.
Since then we've learned - his knee wasn't on his neck - that Floyd had BEEN saying he could not breathe a lot earlier, while he was actually standing - and that the medical examiner revealed - he died from the fentanyl - not from having his airway choked off because a cop had his knee on his neck (because - he didn't).
We have someone here making the ridiculous argument that his right to a speedy trial was denied because Floyd was too busy resisting arrest. An argument so utterly stupid, it has to be a borrowed talking point.
NEAR as I can guess - the worst that can happen in a trial is criminally negligent homicide - he died under their care due to negligence or carelessness. And to me, that's about as bad a sentence as possible, based on what even just little old me knows.