What to Expect When You're Aborting


art imitating life
Yall need to note who the poster is. The troll known as nonno, anhoyingboy, forestool et al who posts and runs. Notice no further posts? And quite sure it's a guy.

Again.. like already stated... Its not nonno thats have the abortion.. shes quoting the article. try reading that before you crucify her. LOL


Cleopatra Jones
Are you serious? that is bullshiat not to mention misrepresentation. How sick a mind is of a person that would do that just to do that.

So what are you more upset about, that you thought it was real or that it's not. One would think with your initial reaction that you'd be more relieved than ticked upon the realization that it was b/s.


Obama destroyed America
Again.. like already stated... Its not nonno thats have the abortion.. shes quoting the article. try reading that before you crucify her. LOL
Ummmmm Kelby hunney, sweetie, muffin, I wasn't crucifying HIM. I was pointing out that it is the dolt who starts a fread then never returns to it. Maybe you should try reading (comprehension). :huggy:


New Member
Ummmmm Kelby hunney, sweetie, muffin, I wasn't crucifying HIM. I was pointing out that it is the dolt who starts a fread then never returns to it. Maybe you should try reading (comprehension). :huggy:

I hope she wacks you in the head with all 150 pairs of shoes :lol:


art imitating life
Ummmmm Kelby hunney, sweetie, muffin, I wasn't crucifying HIM. I was pointing out that it is the dolt who starts a fread then never returns to it. Maybe you should try reading (comprehension). :huggy:

hahah I wish there was a smiley for that but :smack: x 150


So what are you more upset about, that you thought it was real or that it's not. One would think with your initial reaction that you'd be more relieved than ticked upon the realization that it was b/s.

I thinks its crazy to play around with that particular subject.


I’m at 5 weeks. Right at the cutoff where I can take the abortion pill or not. On the 6th week it becomes less effective. The 7th week is a nonstarter, you have to go surgical.

I'm usually adamantly pro-life.

However, I'm afraid that I find the thought of you breeding is more distasteful than chopping a baby into liverwurst.

You should go for it.


I’m at 5 weeks. Right at the cutoff where I can take the abortion pill or not. On the 6th week it becomes less effective. The 7th week is a nonstarter, you have to go surgical.

What to Expect When You're Aborting - These are my options. None sound good.

What a fu*cking slut/ho you are...Sell your PC..do what you will and for the sake of everyone else..go get a hysterectomy..ie; SPAYED...AFTER you put that human life inside you up for adoption!!!

And what kind of SMIB-Wanna-Be are you to ask here what to expect?..and you ask here what to expect..HERE...
What a waste of human life you are.....
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I feel sorry for you and even more so for the baby. If you kept it how will you treat it? Like someone who should have been terminated? The military doctor who informed me That I was pregnant immediately tried to give me the number for an abortionist, I freaked out. Even though I was married, I was not ready for a baby, but I had her and though I was very young, I don't regret her ever.

Bless you!!!! :huggy:


What a fu*cking slut/ho you are...Sell your PC..do what you will and for the sake of everyone else..go get a hysterectomy..ie; SPAYED...AFTER you put that human life inside you up for adoption!!!

And what kind of SMIB are you to ask here what to expect?..and you ask here what to expect.....
What a waste of human life you are.....

I don't think the boy is from around here....:shrug:


I’m at 5 weeks. Right at the cutoff where I can take the abortion pill or not. On the 6th week it becomes less effective. The 7th week is a nonstarter, you have to go surgical.

What to Expect When You're Aborting - These are my options. None sound good.

Ya know..person had been here since 2003...600 posts???. and I have been told certian older members have a lot of MPDs and post stuff like this just to stir up sh1t.....

I really hope this is the case.....and that this slut is not asking for advise on how and when to kill her child....


Obama destroyed America
Ya know..person had been here since 2003...600 posts???. and I have been told certian older members have a lot of MPDs and post stuff like this just to stir up sh1t.....

I really hope this is the case.....and that this slut is not asking for advise on how and when to kill her child....
The animals you rescue are smarter than you are. Try reading the entire thread. :duh: