What to Expect When You're Aborting


What a fu*cking slut/ho you are...Sell your PC..do what you will and for the sake of everyone else..go get a hysterectomy..ie; SPAYED...AFTER you put that human life inside you up for adoption!!!

And what kind of SMIB-Wanna-Be are you to ask here what to expect?..and you ask here what to expect..HERE...
What a waste of human life you are.....

Whoa...leave us SMIB's out of it....but "high five" to the rest of it....

But please don't degrade SMIB's to that level.


New Member
I really hope this is the case.....and that this slut is not asking for advise on how and when to kill her child....

wow .... so someone gets pregnant and they are a slut?

good to know what you think about mothers I guess.

Have you told your mother?