What would you do?

Should he stay where he is at or go to portables

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Material Girl
PREMO Member
We had them at Thomas Stone. I loved them, they're much more peaceful than a regular classroom.


Go Braves!
mainman said:
My next task will be to find suitable daycare in the area...
Sunshine Center has before and after for your school district and I believe there is a home daycare just down the road from you......


Happy Camper!
kwillia said:
The staff is excellent and I have not heard anything negative about the temporary set-up. :yay:
T loves the trailers he's in now. And there is no guarantee that the renovations will be finished by the 2009 school year, are you willing to keep your little man at his original school for longer if needed?


Kain99 said:
School will have after care...

Not all provide an after care program, it only is available if funding is for that year. Better to have plans for care lined up in case it is not available.

MM, I say put him in with the correct school district the following year, let him finish out this year where he is; at the school that is.

I transferred Frick half way through the year from one district to another and it was DREADFUL!



I bowl overhand
WHen I moved I used to leave the kids until summer, thinking it would make the move easier on them. Than a friend of mine made a good argument. If they are new on the first day of a school year, they are not going to get the extra attention, or help they would get if they move in during the year.. Even to the point of meeting new kids.. At the start of the year all the kids are too busy learning their schedules, their new classmates, where they need to be, to be too concerned with the new kid they don't recognize from last year

You move during the year, the teachers will help him get to and from classes (if he needs to) introductions to the teachers, staff and other students.. and of course the special treatment of the new kid from all the other kids (especially the cute girls)

Just food for thought.


Set Trippin
Elle said:
T loves the trailers he's in now. And there is no guarantee that the renovations will be finished by the 2009 school year, are you willing to keep your little man at his original school for longer if needed?
I was leaning towards moving him lwhen I moved...:lol: But I decided to let him finish the school year, the only thing that made me hesitate was the portable situation. But I am comfortable with that. I will be transferring him...:yay:


kwillia said:
But what about this summer...:shrug:

If BG did in fact open a daycare that could work for Shorty this summer, although MM will be doing some backtracking for pick up/drop off and work.

Again, for the school before/after...there's no guarantee they will have it next school year and BG will be out of the school district for Shorty.
julz20684 said:
If BG did in fact open a daycare that could work for Shorty this summer, although MM will be doing some backtracking for pick up/drop off and work.

Again, for the school before/after...there's no guarantee they will have it next school year and BG will be out of the school district for Shorty.
I'm thinking the BG opening a daycare comment was wishful thinking... but if I'm wrong, I don't see her being about to get her training in, house and yard straight in order to be licensed before the summer so I'm thinking that's not an option. :shrug:


kwillia said:
I'm thinking the BG opening a daycare comment was wishful thinking... but if I'm wrong, I don't see her being about to get her training in, house and yard straight in order to be licensed before the summer so I'm thinking that's not an option. :shrug:

True...Parks & Rec offers summer camps...my kids seemed to really like that.