What would you do?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
His parents should tell him the girl's a slut and contact with her will give him diseases.

Don't bother with telling her parents, either they already know, or are too clueless to care.


To the whiner who sent the RED Karma.......

If your opinion differs, offer it up for discussion.....don't hide behind a red box with your point of view.

and by the way.......if you refuse to educate your children about sex, they end up sexually active at 13. :really:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
justhangn said:
If your opinion differs, offer it up for discussion.....don't hide behind a red box with your point of view.

and by the way.......if you refuse to educate your children about sex, they end up sexually active at 13. :really:
Poor little JH, can't take a little bad karma. :bawl:

I never sign my bad karma and rarely even sign the good. There is too much :bs: with people signing other people's names. If you got bad karma with my name on it, it sure as hell didn't come from me. And you'll note, I did express my differing opinion, right before you whined about it.

God forbid I decided to forgo getting into a flame war, because I had other things to do. :rolleyes:

But here's my opinion in full

If you go around telling your little boys that "men have needs" "squirrels need nuts" if you will, the inevitable result is they will seek those "needs" with little sluts like the one in question. The will come to believe there are two types on females, ones that will sleep with you and ones that are frigid. And then they will set about creating little sluts out of little girls by telling them, "If you love me..." "A man has needs and if you can't meet them someone else will" and similar types of :bs:

Your way creates insensitive, insecure azzhole men and insecure slutty teenage mothers.

Little girls need to know that when some idiot boy starts with "If you loved me..." She can tell him to GFY and mean it literally. And little boys need to learn to respect little girls and not hand them some stupid line and feed off of the wavering self-esteem that all teenagers suffer from.

So you go right ahead and teach your little boy what sh!t he needs to feed some poor unsuspecting girl, but if I ever see him sniffing around my little girl, he better be able to out run a shotgun.
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Dymphna said:
if I ever see him sniffing around my little girl, he better be able to out run a shotgun.
Shotgun nothing. I plan to greet any suitor applicants at the door while holding my 30-06. I'll then proceed to tell them that they may be able outrun me, but they CANNOT outrun a 180 gr. boattail.

For those who don't know the meaning of "suitor":
Main Entry: suit·or
Pronunciation: 'sü-t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, follower, pleader, from Anglo-French, from Latin secutor follower, from sequi to follow -- more at SUE
1 : one that petitions or entreats
2 : a party to a suit at law
3 : one who courts a woman or seeks to marry her
4 : one who seeks to take over a business


Dymphna said:
Poor little JH, can't take a little bad karma. :bawl:

So you go right ahead and teach your little boy what sh!t he needs to feed some poor unsuspecting girl, but if I ever see him sniffing around my little girl, he better be able to out run a shotgun.

:duh: X 1,000,000

That's a crock of :bs: and you know it....that's all I will say to this responce. :boo:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
justhangn said:
:duh: X 1,000,000

That's a crock of :bs: and you know it....that's all I will say to this responce. :boo:
Wow, what a well thought out, thought-provoking response. You really refuted my post. I think I've changed my mind. :rolleyes:

Oh, guess you should've read this before giving me that karma... can't take it back now. :neener:


Salt Life
citysherry said:
Here's the situation...my sister's son is 13 and he likes a girl in one of his classes at school. They arranged to meet at the movies Friday night with a group of friends. My sister drops her son off and this girl's mother drops her off. My sister picked her son up as soon as the movie was over and he's in a noticeably bad mood and wouldn't tell her what's wrong. Later that night he confides to his father that he had asked this girl, who had several prior boy friends, if she had “gone all the way with them.” She replied yes and told him that one of her boy friends was 15 and her parents didn't know about him - - this girl just turned 13 last month and is already sexually active! So, what would you do? Would you contact this girl's parents and tell them that their little girl is probably sexually active or just let them find out on their own?
MYOB? But that's just what I would do.


citysherry said:
So, what would you do? Would you contact this girl's parents and tell them that their little girl is probably sexually active or just let them find out on their own?

Me, I'd remember all the tall tales I told when I was 13 (through 28). Realize the possiblity - albeit not a certainty - that the girl could be effing with him, or trying to make herself appear more mature by lying about going all the way.

Either way, I'd keep my yap buttoned.

I wouldn't worry about the boy. Apparently he's got a good father who he feels comfortable talking to about this - and I doubt he'll let him go too far down the wrong path.

And the girl is not your concern either way.


New Member
• Most very young teens have not had intercourse: 8 in 10 girls and 7 in 10 boys are sexually inexperienced at age 15.

• The likelihood of teenagers' having intercourse increases steadily with age; however, about 1 in 5 young people do not have intercourse while teenagers.

• While 93% of teenage women report that their first intercourse was voluntary, one-quarter of these young women report that it was unwanted.

• The younger women are when they first have intercourse, the more likely they are to have had unwanted or nonvoluntary first sex--7 in 10 of those who had sex before age 13, for example.



Salt Life
Lucy said:
• Most very young teens have not had intercourse: 8 in 10 girls and 7 in 10 boys are sexually inexperienced at age 15.

• The likelihood of teenagers' having intercourse increases steadily with age; however, about 1 in 5 young people do not have intercourse while teenagers.

• While 93% of teenage women report that their first intercourse was voluntary, one-quarter of these young women report that it was unwanted.

• The younger women are when they first have intercourse, the more likely they are to have had unwanted or nonvoluntary first sex--7 in 10 of those who had sex before age 13, for example.

Revised 9/1999

Hey, Lucy...you might want to reference something that isn't outdated next time. :yay:


Asperger's Poster Child
I believe that 13 is too young to be dating. I think it's frustrating that we as a human race become sexually mature before becoming emotionally mature. That's almost like giving your kid a car before teaching him or her about the responsibility of driving.


Occasional User
I don't think there is anything wrong with meeting a girl at the movies at age 13. In fact, I think it's a good idea. Both teens were driven by parents, but had time alone in a public place. Leaving young teenagers alone in a house, on the other hand, is not a good idea.


Rocky Mountain High!!
suzeQ said:
I don't think there is anything wrong with meeting a girl at the movies at age 13. In fact, I think it's a good idea. Both teens were driven by parents, but had time alone in a public place. Leaving young teenagers alone in a house, on the other hand, is not a good idea.
oops appyday....did we do something wrong when your lil girl and my lil boy babysat mom and we went riding last week?
happyappygirl said:
oops appyday....did we do something wrong when your lil girl and my lil boy babysat mom and we went riding last week?
Guess we will all find out in 9 months...:shrug:


I wasn't allowed to even ask to go on a date until I was 16.

Now, if this was my son, I would mind my own business and not say anything.


New Member
suzeQ said:
I don't think there is anything wrong with meeting a girl at the movies at age 13. In fact, I think it's a good idea. Both teens were driven by parents, but had time alone in a public place. Leaving young teenagers alone in a house, on the other hand, is not a good idea.


Rocky Mountain High!!
justhangn said:
Hers behind his head? :confused:
I recommended Appy's lil girl take an aspirin to prevent pregnancy.

To put between her knees :lol:

appys' right tho....2 good kids. :smile:
and the lawn mower is NOT to be ridden double any more right appy?