mv = margaritaville
AwShe wasn't worthy of a PM from me. Ask her.

AwShe wasn't worthy of a PM from me. Ask her.
Jazzy... is that you...![]()
My mIlKshaKe briNgS AlL tHe bOyZ to tHe yARd.
I suRe dO wish My boYfriend was HOT liKe U.
This post hurt my eyes.You Know Its A Shame When Some People Have No Life, They Sit Here And Bash People Because They Have Nothing Better To Do. Just Because Some People Like This Or Like That ~~~ Then To Top It Off You Jerks Talk About Thier Kids,wow If The Shoe Was On The Other Foot I Bet Some Of You Would Have A Cow If Your Kids Were Talked About Or Judged On These Forums. They Post Like They Have It All . The Bashers Are The Ones Who Dont Post Things About Thier Life/kids/etc/ And When You Do Post Its Not Always The Truth Or In Full Detail........ Why? Because They Know They Are Not Perfect As They Want Others To Believe. Dancing Makes Them Fast Foodworkers Or Janitors ? Why? Man People Need To Play And Spend Time With Thier Kids Thats Whats Wrong With This World Now No One Takes Time To Be A Kid With Thier Kids!!!!!
Daughter listens to Pink Floyd, The Doors etc...
Son listens to the same gay 80's and 90's music I do and knows all the words.
I allow it. My kids also like and can play most of the older music that I so love.
When they go to the dances and stuff though, the new stuff is what is played and what they dance to. :shrug:
Different strokes for different folks.
I'm the parent, and don't like rap, hip hop or the dress/mentality that goes with it, and it's not being played in my home.
Dances? Homecoming and Prom?
The 6th grader already told me about a dance he knew I wouldn't let him go to. He laughed as he told me. Studying and sports for him. He doesn't need a social (dance) life until college. I know that he wants to go. Oh well.
It's wonderful being a parent and having the control to say "no".
Yep, different strokes for different folks.
I do like some rap crap as I call I guess there is one difference.
My kids all go to the dances, homecoming, prom, etc. I'm cool with that. IF they mess up in any way, that will change. Right now they are all in advanced classes, sports, etc and keep their grades above average.
I like to keep their lives diverse, letting them see and do many different things. If I ever feel it has an adversary reaction, they are done. That's just me. :shrug:
What your kids are... 10-25-2007 08:31 PM they will start to hate you... You will see.. You think they are doing nothing wrong but they are and you just dont know it..
Ew, she was having sex in the woods?#1 turned out okay and I got her on b/c as soon as I found out she was having monkey sex at the college campus I would take her to for classes when she was 15. I would sit in the library, and she would go into the woods with her boyfriend. When she told me (open communication) we went straight to PP.
I don't care if my kids hate me.![]()
#1 turned out okay and I got her on b/c as soon as I found out she was having monkey sex at the college campus I would take her to for classes when she was 15. I would sit in the library, and she would go into the woods with her boyfriend. When she told me (open communication) we went straight to PP.
I don't care if my kids hate me.![]()
#1 turned out okay and I got her on b/c as soon as I found out she was having monkey sex at the college campus I would take her to for classes when she was 15. I would sit in the library, and she would go into the woods with her boyfriend. When she told me (open communication) we went straight to PP.
I don't care if my kids hate me.![]()
#1 turned out okay and I got her on b/c as soon as I found out she was having monkey sex at the college campus I would take her to for classes when she was 15. I would sit in the library, and she would go into the woods with her boyfriend. When she told me (open communication) we went straight to PP.
I don't care if my kids hate me.![]()
Open communication is the whole thing imo, no matter how you parent.
I don't care if mine hate me either, I'll do what I feel is best for them. If they love me, and they do, all the better.
Ew, she was having sex in the woods?![]()