What your kids are dancing to...


New Member
My kids would be doing homework so they get good grades and get a good job so your kids can serve them a #3 with no cheese. :bigwhoop:

And when they grow up they will be crackheads/potheads because they dont have a life.Not to mention as teens they will rebel and whip daddyO's ass for not allowing them to enjoy other things in life!


Should be Huntin
Son just turned 16!
Loves Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd............!

Thats what I grew up on.... I'm so glad I had an older brother and sister :lmao: I would get picked on at school for wearing Metallica and Pink Floyd shirts.... I went to Gywnn Park that should explain why:lmao:


New Member
And when they grow up they will be crackheads/potheads because they dont have a life.Not to mention as teens they will rebel and whip daddyO's ass for not allowing them to enjoy other things in life!
When they grow up, they will write and speak like you. Maybe they'll get a higher paying job driving a trash truck though. :yay:


Active Member
What your kids are... 10-26-2007 01:54 AM lets see how you feel when the grandaughter brings home Jamal, Antwan, and Andre and you have chocolate great grand kids running around

Ummmmmm, what makes you think that would bother me ????

I happen to like chocolate :razz: