What's the best way...


Lem Putt
Yeah. IRL I think you come across as very personal and confident. I am surprised that you wouldn't know what to say as well as being bashful about saying it...

That wasn't what this was about by any means. She knew what to say. She was fishing for compliments like what Larry gave her. Showing off just how popular she is, with all these guys fawning after her and refusing to take no for an answer. It's an ego thing, not a genuine request for advice.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yeah. IRL I think you come across as very personal and confident. I am surprised that you wouldn't know what to say as well as being bashful about saying it...

I don't like to be mean and I don't like to be rude. Unless I want to be mean and rude, that is. Some guy is sweet enough to ask me out, that's flattering and I don't want to dog him (to his face). I just needed a short and sweet one-liner that I can rattle off without thinking about it to put the situation to rest with no unnecessary hurt feelings.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That wasn't what this was about by any means. She knew what to say. She was fishing for compliments like what Larry gave her. Showing off just how popular she is, with all these guys fawning after her and refusing to take no for an answer. It's an ego thing, not a genuine request for advice.

Please. Like I need to fish for compliments.


Lem Putt
Vain? U, nah, just hesitant to hear it from the right person. Right on Queue? U know who really is your BDF. Y^ 1 guess.

You just haven`t been wooed or complimented by the right 1....yet. It`s all ^ 2 U now. If ya cop out, U may meet him someday & go "Dayum, if only I`d of dun more than just thinkin shulda wulda culda". He may be accompanied by a hot chik who`ll just wink atcha. Which in all likelihood will definitely occur, & Lance will make it known. Kinda like a tried to tell ya. Enjoy yr Golden years. Lots of tcob`n in order.

How cute Vrai. You have a stalker.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You would be amazed at how many men will not only date but chase down a woman who they know does not like sex. It's like an instant aphrodisiac, right up there with "I'm a virgin."


It's like they think THEY! :flexesbiceps: will be the one to push her love button and turn her into a raving nympho.

Well yeah....wait...what?? Well there's always an outside chance of that plan succeeding...i'nt there?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well yeah....wait...what?? Well there's always an outside chance of that plan succeeding...i'nt there?

Oh sure, happens all the time. Just like women who take up with an emotionally retarded abusive douche nozzle because all he needs is the love of a good woman to make him whole.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Lance is not a Larry by any means. Age, biologically or othawise. When I read his bs or continual trollin comments to her, kinda reminds of 1 that just can`t get the hint or ova it.
Hey pssst contract is over, move on. If anything is in an attchmnt, i.e., financially...deal with it, & move on. Quite sure a professional has advised U the same.

Whatcha don`t know, U`ll neva know until afta the fact...maybe it`s that unknown or mystery that you`re so dang obsessed with?

Henceforth, either way.... legally...nunyabizzness.

No fuss, no (..)arbitration or explainin jackchit. a.k.a. Done Deal (Dun Deal).

Plz tiptoe thru your Tulips or is that Twolips? chit gets old real quik.

wtbthybs. Meanwhile.............Beach time.

Read what Mr G typed, anything is possible & not always publicized until if & when it is deemed appropriate.

I knew lance was really a girl, no guy has ever caused that much drama.


my war
GTFOH :killingme holy chitskeeze. damn near, neva mind. that was funny as hell Dahlin.

Gurl get on down here, you can manipulate the site from here, & I`ll disable the auto Sprinkler System outside, k. unless you show ^ prior to 7 a.m. Whatcha call it that RainBird System. yes & on an aux well pump, c justa pooredneck. Just use your Garmin or call, I`ll guide ya Gurl.

This aint the boondox. hillbillys have nice chit. dang good grief LMAO.

To answer your initial post & question.

Go South

If you were a candy bar, you would be a Milky Gay.


my war
if u had brain, u musta stole it from another 1 of your dumazz friends. :killingme

go botha toot toot, about yr speed. .... off :roflmao:

got all the real names from that Fight Club forum. Plus all the snitches. Plus a buncha pix that sum1 4 sure wishes they hadn`t sent to sum1 so freely. :))

bf neva did have a clue, nor did ____________________. :whistle: aint gonna type that name.

Betcha ..andi & .ork sure were glad 2 see U go in that belly^ website. :razz::roflmao:

afta all Md is "The Free (Gay) State". psst, keep yr ..ggots ^ there.

If you were a drink, you would be Tool-Aid...


Hot Flash
You would be amazed at how many men are very put off by a woman who is interested in them and wants to know them beyond banal bull####. Being my inquisitive self has been an excellent gardening tool for weeding out men who have issues that preclude any further involvement. :yay:

You and I like to naval gaze not only with ourselves but with others. People who are unfortunate enough to find themselves on the receiving end of our interest end up telling us far more about themselves than they intended. Many people are not comfortable revealing themselves like that. You like it; I like it; most people don't like it.

It's like getting a gift wrapped present: some folks want admire it before they carefully remove the bow (oh, how pretty! save that!), then carefully remove the wrapping paper, then exclaim about how nice it was for someone to give them a gift before they carefully open the box, sift through the packing materials, read the card first and pass it around....

You and I are like, give me that ####ing package, rip the thing open and see what we got here, screw the card. Even when it's someone else's present.
Tell them you have HIV and not HPV.


If any of you had even the slightest idea who this user Lance was you'd just either read the posts in a much more positive manner or just leave it alone and ignore his posts.

If he would bother to write in a coherent fashion, with words formulated in such a way so as to be simply read - rather than deciphered - I would be willing to wager that his posts would more well received.


my war
If ? poor choice/use of a word.

Example: "If a bullfrog had wings, he wouldn`t bump his ass everytime he jumped either."

Try again, another xample of typical responses to an unk poster. U = typical SoMd duh. :killingme

go find anutha $.05 word, b/c yr $20 ones aint impressin any1. :))

Not meant to be rude or othawise; Howeva

If any of yas had even the slightest (not Clue), but idea who this user a/o Lance was you`d just either read the posts in a much more positive manner or just leave it alone & ignore his posts. Replies to (Y`all know ? who) were typed in an open forum to just make thoughts known. Hell, if she makes any decision at all, it`s btwn 2 ppl only. Evry1 exerts so much bs time in tryin 2 figure out what U`ll neva know. Any outcome is btwn two persons only. So Dayum, let things happen as they may either way. & any results shall remain Privy. Communication btwn the parties will or may determine if any1 else has a need to know, & if so @ a point in time TBD. Damn simple even 4 a simpleton 2 comprehend.
If I had all the idle bs time y`all had, chit would neva get dun. No wonder y`all live online, b/c ya aint got nuthin betta to do than wonder/worry about wth others are doing in their lives.

So in the interim, don`t get yr bowels in any uproar, cuz U`ll just b chittin in the wind worryin.

Typed dayum boldly & honestly. Y don`t wanna read it 2 dang l8, it`s obvious that ya already have, othawise...deal with your own life & issues.

free, white, single over 21, & damn smart/well educated.

Meanwhile do whatcha nosey 1s do, _____ really doesn`t care either way. Focus more on yr own life/lives, U`ll b much better off. If Nawt that`s your prob.

If you were a hardware store, you would be Homo Depot...