What's the Perfect Thermostat Setting?

What is your thermostat set at?

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My 401K is now a 201K
Mikeinsmd said:
Well I have a split foyer with a single system and I keep mine around 70-72 because the upstairs is always a lil warmer.

really? what is your electric bill? Ours was $166.00 last month & we didn't even keep the A/C on the entire month......

Homer J

Power Chord
Dual zone HVAC. Summer: 76 upstairs, 78 downstairs. Winter: 66 upstairs, 68 downstairs. My electric bill was $290 this month.


I do not care what the thermostat reads. it must be comfortable in the room where ever I spend the most time


I bowl overhand
74 When we are at home.. 78 at night, it goes down to 74 about 1/2 hour before we get up, then goes up to 80 while we are at work... back to 74 1/2 hour before we get home.


Well-Known Member
Wife sets it at 75

I sneak by later and bump it to 77.

Winter: She sets it to 70...I sneak by later and drop it to 68.

I probably save like 100.00 all year...and when she catches me, ....well saving that hundred bucks doesn't pay for the 20 hours of bickering in the course of the year. :buttkick:


Baby blues
I keep it at 77. I'm too cheap to want to pay more on my electric bill! :blushing:
Besides, I have a one story ranch type home with a basement. It's actually very comfortable and the ceiling fans help keep it cooler. The basement is always very cool no matter what the thermostat says, because it's completely sunk in the ground, it's not a walk out.