What's the secret


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
My daughter is still pretty bald so I haven't had this issue, but I do have experience with my own hair. I put conditioner in it and comb through it in the shower, which makes it much easier to deal with once I'm out of the shower. If I wait to comb it after I rinse it, it hurts. :bawl:


Well-Known Member
Oh I have long hair :starcat:

But I would much prefer someone to come over to my house and rub my feet at night... any takers :biggrin:

Will you play with my hair while I rub your feet? Or better yet, rub my back while I do your feet. I like my back rubbed really soft, just barely finger tips until it gives me chills up and down :hot:


Well-Known Member
My daughter is still pretty bald so I haven't had this issue, but I do have experience with my own hair. I put conditioner in it and comb through it in the shower, which makes it much easier to deal with once I'm out of the shower. If I wait to comb it after I rinse it, it hurts. :bawl:
Same thing here we must have sensative scalps. If I ever had a girl I would be in big trouble because I can barely style my own hair :lol:

Will you play with my hair while I rub your feet? Or better yet, rub my back while I do your feet. I like my back rubbed really soft, just barely finger tips until it gives me chills up and down :hot:



Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Same thing here we must have sensative scalps. If I ever had a girl I would be in big trouble because I can barely style my own hair :lol:


Right now, I hook McK with the fauxhawk. I don't know wtf I'll do when she has real hair. :lol:


Rich, I feel your pain. You met my little girl, (I guess she isn't so little now but she will always be my little girl). I was a single Dad with her and her older brother for quite a few years. I found that when you towel dry her hair you can't do it like we do ours. The harder you do it the more tangles she gets. I figued out after about a year of killing her when I combed her hair. If you just wrap her head in the towel for about ten minutes and then spray a little detangler in it before you comb it (with a large toothed comb) and then blow dry it while using a brush it seemed to not hurt her at all.

Good luck and call me when she gets about 19. I know someone that fancys her.:killingme

I'm willing to try anything. And how is her little boyfriend doing? We can be inlaws one day.:killingme


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
What's the secret to blowdrying and brushing a little girls hair? Every time that I do it, it seems like I'm ripping her hair out and she starts crying saying that it hurts. Should I blowdry it first then brush it when it dries or brush it wet? And her hair seems to have alot of knots in it. Being a single dad to a little girl is harder than I thought.

My mom use to smack us in the head with the brush and say STOP moving....NOT recommending this way.
Start from the bottom and work your way up to the scalp!!


Well-Known Member
I don't see what the big deal about braiding is. When I was little, I used to be able to sit on my hair. I never had it braided at night. :shrug:


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Before washing use a soft bristle brush to get out any tangles, make sure you can comb through it.

Wash with gentle soap and use conditioner. Rinse well.

Towel dry without brisk rubbing and snarling hair! Squeeze gently and pat and press towel into her head.

Use detangler spray. With wide tooth comb start at ends and work your way up to the scalp, starting at roots makes tangles bigger and worse at the ends. Finish with smaller tooth comb to get last few tangles.

I don't blowdry my daughter's long superfine hair but if I did I'd use a flatbacked bristle brush and a medium heat setting.


Before washing use a soft bristle brush to get out any tangles, make sure you can comb through it.

Wash with gentle soap and use conditioner. Rinse well.

Towel dry without brisk rubbing and snarling hair! Squeeze gently and pat and press towel into her head.

Use detangler spray. With wide tooth comb start at ends and work your way up to the scalp, starting at roots makes tangles bigger and worse at the ends. Finish with smaller tooth comb to get last few tangles.

I don't blowdry my daughter's long superfine hair but if I did I'd use a flatbacked bristle brush and a medium heat setting.

take the towel off your head and drop the vest al-Sonsie. :smack:


Nothing to see here
Andy, you just reminded me. I have to run over and apologize to someone I called the "Most moronic and irritating waste of DNA EVER" because I realize now NO ONE can take your crown.

Apology accepted..:yay:


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Andy, you just reminded me. I have to run over and apologize to someone I called the "Most moronic and irritating waste of DNA EVER" because I realize now NO ONE can take your crown.

Andy is obsessed with me, he can't help himself. He is a strange little boy with OCD tendencies. I'm not sure if he thinks his endless stupid repetitive comments are funny or if he actually has deluded himself into thinking anyone cares what he writes. Either way he is certainly a limp-wristed ineffectual little pole smoker.


Andy is obsessed with me, he can't help himself. He is a strange little boy with OCD tendencies. I'm not sure if he thinks his endless stupid repetitive comments are funny or if he actually has deluded himself into thinking anyone cares what he writes. Either way he is certainly a limp-wristed ineffectual little pole smoker with :jazzhands:.



All Up In Your Grill
Thank you, when I let lose on you Andy had totally slipped my mind. then upon reflection I realized I over reacted and you are not even near the top of the mouth breather list.

Wow. And here I was hoping I'd be learning a few tips about brushing/drying longer locks from the master of all. :ohwell: